Just changed from a Stealth II to a Thriller 8meg PCI.
Having this problem when running Indy2...Indyfast.bat.
With the Stealth: Ran indyfast from shortcut...advanced settings of :
MS-Dos mode without problem. (Shutdown from windows to dos mode.) Would get
decent frame rates with full field of cars for my system. Seemed to make no
difference in fps starting like I said above or if just booting the
computer fresh to the dos prompt.
Ok...Now the problem.
Pull out the Stealth.....install the Thriller...(.85 drivers and 141
bios)....use shortcut..shut down to dos...game starts...."about" 12fps
TOPS! Just me on the track..nobody else.(Stealth:in the same
situation....30 fps solid!) Sitting in the pits just as game starts..about
10 fps.(Stealth: well into the 20's)
Shut down the computer....boot to dos mode....run indyfast..(now this is
still with the Thriller) ..Sit in the pits= 30 fps...running out of the
pits: 30 fps....on the track: 30 fps.
Only problem with running from the straight to dos......no sound. (could
use advice on fixing that also)
But the bottom line is: why this kind of problem with the Thriller and not
with the Stealth? (frame rates when starting under same conditions?)
Ideas......explainations......fixes...any and all help appreciated!
Thanks in advance!