I have a Herc Thriller that was working great in my 233MMX machine.
I just built a 300A Celeron system and it is up and stable at 450 and
2.0 volts. However, I encountered an error (also happened at 300/66)
that says "PC DISPLAY SETUP NOT CORRECT." Then if I try to go to
properties, it gives me a blue screen (fatal exception error). I found
the error on the Thriller FAQ on Herc's website, but it says to remove
the old drivers, then reinstall them. Well, the drivers that were there
were ALREADY Herc drivers. I've uninstalled them and reinstalled them to
no effect. Still keeps happening.
I swapped the hard drive from my old MMX to the Celeron. I forgot to
switch to VGA before swapping it out. But I am using the same Thriller
adapter that I was in the old machine. The drivers are the same, and
Windows found them when PnP kicked at bootup of the new hardware.
Any ideas anyone??
Dave Schwabe
The Aussie Toad -- Grand Prix Legends & Brabham site