Is that the Hayes SVD or the USR svd??
A couple of guys have gottent he USR version to work with ICR2.
so N2 in dos "should" be possible. however, to use dsvd with USR you
have to turn off data compression (or error correction I can never
remember which) and that really slows down the game. so if you don't
mind lurching around the track DSVD is possible. Also I have heard
that the Hayes modem requires more bandwith to operate under SVD. USR
does it with about 9600 baud required, but I think Hayes needs 14.4
and both of those are above and beyond what the game itself requires
whcih is 9600baud.
oh and both the caller and receiver MUST have the same brand and
version of SVD modems for that option to work. I've used them with
Duke 3d, and Warcraft2.
Dave Henrie
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