Woman's Grand Prix Legends! Learn how to tame the wild Lotus.
Steve says:
"I'm the guy who wrote the strategy guide ("Four-Wheel Drift") that
ships with the game. But GPL was a whole different ballgame when I
turned in the manuscript three months ago. Alison has generously given
me space to discuss anything I may have inadvertantly left out of the
book, what has changed since the book was written, what we've learned
since, and--occasionally--to correct any, ah, misunderstandings.
"Particularly about setups.
"Thus, I welcome the opportunity to 'rewrite' the book online, and to
grow the database of what we know about GPL's setups for all to see,
and--hopefully--to profit by. But I don't want this to be just another
laundry list of blind setups, grabbed off the page, and madly driven
just once before joining hundreds of other discards in the Recycle Bin
of history.
"So, let's talk about it."
Steve's Advanced Setup Guide is available at:
Steve invites reader responses.
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