An example for you all to look up to

John Wallac

An example for you all to look up to

by John Wallac » Mon, 04 Apr 2005 00:15:03

> The depleted-uranium claim is specious, AFAIK.  We have only one weap that
> uses it: the 30mm Gatling gun on the nose of the A-10 "Warthog" tank buster.
> Note that altho we used A-10s in Gulf War I (against the Repub Guard's
> T-72s), we never deployed them during Op Iraq Freedom.  Moreover, DU isn't
> radioactive, so it's unlikely to cause cancer.

This happened in the Gulf War, and well over 300 tons were fired, both
by A-10s and by tanks. An A-10 round was 300g of solid U-238, and a tank
round was 4,500g.

There is no need for something to be radioactive in order to cause
cancer. In any case, as you know the warheads use Uranium-238 which is a
"fertile" isotope, converting readily to (radioactive) plutonium, or to
(radioactive) uranium oxide (the problem in Iraq)

John Wallac

An example for you all to look up to

by John Wallac » Mon, 04 Apr 2005 00:17:59

>     To me, this is complete bullshit. NATO is in IRAQ to remove a madman in
> the name of self defence - this is a legitimate reason anyway. Unfortunately
> probably most of the reason NATO is there is for U.S. retaliation for 911 -
> and Iraq fundamentaly had nothing to do with 911.

>     The message is simple - allow yourself to be represented by a madman
> (Hussein) and this is what will happen. Unfortunately this message is
> polluted with political agendas and the complete bullshit notion that NATO
> is in Iraq to do the Iraqis a big favour - utter bullshit.

- NATO didn't go into Iraq, the so-called "coalition" did

- The Iraqi people didn't allow themselves to be represented by the
Ba'ath party - the CIA put them there and the people had no choice. Now
the US took him away and put someone else there - if I was an Iraqi I
ight be more than a little concerned that he would also upset them, and
a load of us would get slaughtered again in the sake of our own freedom.

John Wallac

An example for you all to look up to

by John Wallac » Mon, 04 Apr 2005 00:22:32

> Just about ANY country you post to the internet from can almost
> directly thank the US for its freedom.

Why then is the US so universally despised? What the US sees as "help"
helps only the US.

Read about George Kennan, read about Zbigniew Brzezinski. If you don't
understand the people to whom your government listens, how can their
actions be interpreted?

John Wallac

An example for you all to look up to

by John Wallac » Mon, 04 Apr 2005 00:25:52

> A fantastic reminder of the lies.


> "They have weapons of mass destruction......that is what this war was
> about."

A good reminder - looks like the media are our Pavlov.

An example for you all to look up to

by Mitch_ » Mon, 04 Apr 2005 01:14:45

So youre telling me people dont want freedom?  You dont see how absurd that
sounds?  Of course the oppressive regime doesnt want freedom for its people
but to say the people dont want freedom is a giant leap adn to me


NOTHING to do with a so-called freedom that


An example for you all to look up to

by Marty » Mon, 04 Apr 2005 08:57:12

So if the oppressed people of the world want freedom from the previously
American supported dictator, they'll just have to accept the death and
destruction that the American military will make them free.


> So youre telling me people dont want freedom?  You dont see how absurd that
> sounds?  Of course the oppressive regime doesnt want freedom for its people
> but to say the people dont want freedom is a giant leap adn to me
> ridiculous..

> Mitch

> NOTHING to do with a so-called freedom that

>>these countries did not wish for.

John Wallac

An example for you all to look up to

by John Wallac » Mon, 04 Apr 2005 18:31:35

The "freedom" that you talk about is (as these people will see it) an US
installed regime, with a US installed puppet president, in search of oil
for the benefit of the US.

They've been bombed by the US, starved by the US, then bombed again by
the US. They were told a pack of lies about needing to die because they
had WMDs, they had WMDs used against them and are dying of cancer, and
we expect them to be happy when we say "trust us, it'll all be okay".

As for the freedom, it comes with strings - embrace also the US
free-market economics. Aka, drop your pants and bend over. Look what it
did to Indonesia, look at Argentina and Brazil, look at Russia - these
countries were financially***d by us when their markets were opened.
Is it any wonder they question the desirability of our "freedom".

Let's be clear, Saddam was a monster, but if we're getting all misty
eyed about the "choice" we're giving the Iraqis, let's actually give
THEM the choice.

> So youre telling me people dont want freedom?  You dont see how absurd that
> sounds?  Of course the oppressive regime doesnt want freedom for its people
> but to say the people dont want freedom is a giant leap adn to me
> ridiculous..

> Mitch

> NOTHING to do with a so-called freedom that

>>these countries did not wish for.

Randy Magrude

An example for you all to look up to

by Randy Magrude » Tue, 05 Apr 2005 07:21:15

> > History didn't begin when you woke up this morning.  Why don't you
> > actually go back and read the transcript of Bush's 2002 State of the
> > Union speech.  You'll find a LOT more there than WMD.

> The legal right to go to war is nothing to do with Bush's SOU
> address. It is solely to do with the UN resolutions, and whether or
> not Iraq possessed WMD. It doesn't matter if Bush is pissed off that
> Saddam drives a Japanese car, or prefers Pepsi over Coke, no WMD =
> illegal war.

> Bush can practice all the revisionist history he wants and cite a
> bajillion other reasons - that doesn't give them meaning.

John, while you're looking up my private e-mail address to continue
this, you might also read the definition of "Ceasefire agreement".

Later.  I won't answer any more of your posts HERE


Randy Magrude

An example for you all to look up to

by Randy Magrude » Tue, 05 Apr 2005 07:19:59

> > Sorry dude, as of yesterday, I'm done with this useless discussion.
> > I'm staying on sims from today on.

> Or, "crap, I have no argument to that so I'll sprint for the m***
> high ground"

I'll be happy to take this conversation with you to private e-mail or
anywhere else.  Don't assume that just because I choose to try to get
back to talking racing sims here (I know, the horror!).  You know my
e-mail address.   If you actually want to debate this you know where to
reach me.


Dave Henri

An example for you all to look up to

by Dave Henri » Tue, 05 Apr 2005 08:54:50

   Rather, no WMD = umpopular war.  The violation of the Cease Fire
agreements signed after the first Gulf war were all the justification the
USA needed to launch an attack.  In addition, the failure to comply with a
whole mess of UN resolutions also gave grounds for war.  Finally did not
the UN itself authorize force with numerous security council resolutions
<what does "serious consequences" mean?  Spanking Sadam?>?  Granted the so-
called final authority was never voted on, but prior votes and resolutions
more than authorized the ***.  
  I find it curious that the supposedly bankrupt state of Iraq, cruelly
suffering at the hands of UN and thus US sanctions since we all know the
USA runs the UN thus the US could ask and receive the final vote at any
time and the result would be a unanimous result, could not feed it's
people, yet could build dozens of gold lavatoried castles for Sadam.  I
also find it curious that the countries opposed to the 'final
authorization' vote also were countries that seemed to be on the receiving
end of the oil for food bribes.   I find it odd that close to 10BILLION $$
managed to end up, not in the mouths of starving Iraqi children, but the
pockets of French, Russian, & German & Iraqi businessmen and diplomats
(strangely enough, Haliburton seems to have not enjoyed that windfall).  I
find it curious that despite UN weapons sanctions, French and Russian
weapons of recent purchase were found inside Iraq.    I find it odd that
Momar Kadafi suddenly became a scaredy-cat.  I find it confusing that the
people of Lebannon found their voice after years of Syrian occupation or
Egypt allowing democratic voting or even the real enemy, Saudi Arabi
agreeing to <Shudder> local elections!!  .  I find it merely convienant
that the country located next to Iraq during the years and years of hide
and seek between the Iraqi goverment and the UN weapons inspectors,  also
shared a similar Bathist goverment.  I find it downright odd how many
Iraqis are still being killed by those who are neither American nor Iraqi
themselves.  I further find it confusing that of close to 2 dozen armed
conflicts currently simmering around the globe...nearly all include Muslims
as one of the armed combatants.  Surely the Muslims of Khasmir do not fight
for the Palestinians?  Do the Muslims of Sri Lanka *** children to breed
fighters so they can liberate Palestine?  Do the Muslim Arabs of Sudan
practice genocide upon Black Sudanese for the defense of Islam or the
aquistion of the Sudanese oil fields?  Do the Muslim fighters of the
Phillipines care one whit about Israel's continued existance?  Do the
Muslim extremists bombing in Malaysia take an oath to defend the
Palestinians?  Do the Muslim Chechans stand and fight and bomb and kill and
stab Russian school children merely to call attention to the suffering of
the poor poor Palestinians?  Did the Palestinian leaders and widow of
Arafat fight over the estate of poor ol Yasser for the few mere pennies he
accrued leading one of the poorest non-states in the world, or was he rich
beyond the wealth of all his people combined?  

    See John...I told ya I can be paranoid...

dave henrie

alex martin

An example for you all to look up to

by alex martin » Tue, 05 Apr 2005 09:12:37

Well not that I have any intention of continuing this but one little point;
the ceasefire agreement was with the UN - not the US. The UN did NOT
sanction war, you did. Therefore your war is illegal. What is more, the
ceasfire terms were that Iraq disarmed; at the UN, Iraq said they had
disarmed and the UN weapons inspectors concurred (as opposed to conquered,
which the US did). Therefore the war was illegal; the only people saying
Iraq had WMD was the White House - they even said, in what will go down in
history as the momentous lie since Hitler's pledge in Munich - to have
'evidence' of WMD in Iraq. Iraq was disarmed; there were no WMD. The US
lied. And then invaded, in stark violation of the UN charter and therefore
in breach of international law and, therefore, this war was, is and ever
shall remain Illegal.

>> > History didn't begin when you woke up this morning.  Why don't you
>> > actually go back and read the transcript of Bush's 2002 State of the
>> > Union speech.  You'll find a LOT more there than WMD.

>> The legal right to go to war is nothing to do with Bush's SOU
>> address. It is solely to do with the UN resolutions, and whether or
>> not Iraq possessed WMD. It doesn't matter if Bush is pissed off that
>> Saddam drives a Japanese car, or prefers Pepsi over Coke, no WMD =
>> illegal war.

>> Bush can practice all the revisionist history he wants and cite a
>> bajillion other reasons - that doesn't give them meaning.

> John, while you're looking up my private e-mail address to continue
> this, you might also read the definition of "Ceasefire agreement".

> Later.  I won't answer any more of your posts HERE

> Randy

Byron Forbe

An example for you all to look up to

by Byron Forbe » Wed, 06 Apr 2005 15:07:24

    Speaking of U.S. inventions, what do you think the U.N. is - any idiot
can see the U.N. is simply something for the U.S. to divert attention away
from itself with.

    Like dago democracy seeks to con the people into thinking they get a say
in things down at the ballot box, the U.N. creates the illusion that a body
other than the U.S. is running the show here on earth - big jokes these.

    Mostly, the U.N. is a U.S. puppet but the U.S. has demonstrated that
their approval is only nice, not neccessary. It's pointless to refer to
people as criminals when you simply don't have the power to arrest them.

> Well not that I have any intention of continuing this but one little
> point; the ceasefire agreement was with the UN - not the US. The UN did
> NOT sanction war, you did. Therefore your war is illegal. What is more,
> the ceasfire terms were that Iraq disarmed; at the UN, Iraq said they had
> disarmed and the UN weapons inspectors concurred (as opposed to conquered,
> which the US did). Therefore the war was illegal; the only people saying
> Iraq had WMD was the White House - they even said, in what will go down in
> history as the momentous lie since Hitler's pledge in Munich - to have
> 'evidence' of WMD in Iraq. Iraq was disarmed; there were no WMD. The US
> lied. And then invaded, in stark violation of the UN charter and therefore
> in breach of international law and, therefore, this war was, is and ever
> shall remain Illegal.

>>> > History didn't begin when you woke up this morning.  Why don't you
>>> > actually go back and read the transcript of Bush's 2002 State of the
>>> > Union speech.  You'll find a LOT more there than WMD.

>>> The legal right to go to war is nothing to do with Bush's SOU
>>> address. It is solely to do with the UN resolutions, and whether or
>>> not Iraq possessed WMD. It doesn't matter if Bush is pissed off that
>>> Saddam drives a Japanese car, or prefers Pepsi over Coke, no WMD =
>>> illegal war.

>>> Bush can practice all the revisionist history he wants and cite a
>>> bajillion other reasons - that doesn't give them meaning.

>> John, while you're looking up my private e-mail address to continue
>> this, you might also read the definition of "Ceasefire agreement".

>> Later.  I won't answer any more of your posts HERE

>> Randy


An example for you all to look up to

by catisfi » Thu, 07 Apr 2005 20:44:36

If you get all your news from the same place, then you're buying in to
their reporting slant.  Every news agency has it's own bias, if you
want to pick the fact from the spin you have to read a few different
reports of the same story from different sources.  By that I mean, from
around the world, not just Fox and CBS.  It's interesting that no
decent info on the N. Korea nuke situation was from news agencies in
the US or UK.  The day N. Korea announced they had nukes, the BBC
didn't even mention it on their 30 minute news program...

If you want a perfect example of sensationalist, completely false
reporting from the BBC, check out their top story on Condoleezza Rice
at the 9/11 inquiry.  They painted her up to be satan's first born,
completely ignoring anything resembling 'fact'.


An example for you all to look up to

by JTS » Sun, 10 Apr 2005 09:22:36

Still smarting from the election, eh?

> Uh, me no - I was saying that the idea that Iraq was a threat to the US -
> and therefore a legitimate target for invasion - was spurious at the time
> and has been proven to be a lie with hindsight and anyone who thinks Iraq
> was in any way, shape or form a legitimate target for invasion is either
> (a) deluded (b) Bush (c) ignorant or (d) all of the above.

>> Are you really comparing the support for allies in the grip of a growing
>> Nazi empire with the essentially unilateral, preemptive attack for bogus
>> reasons of a country that was no threat to US national security?

>> Geez...

>> Marty

>>> A normal person understands that war is a last resort, and one that is
>>> taken because one's nation is in danger. A normal person understands
>>> that democracy is not implemented at the point of a depleted uraniumed
>>> bomb. Were it only so, we'd all be nazis by now.

>>>>Youre mis-interpreting aggression.  If anything like me it's not
>>>>aggression it's AMAZEMENT that an otherwise seemingly normal person can
>>>>think in the terms youve described yourself in the past few posts.

>>>>The flight sim ng is known for its left wing lunatics if youre looking
>>>>for a fight Alex ;)


>>>>>Yes aggression is your nature I've noticed ;-)

>>>>>>So, how you liking the sims these days?

>>>>>>(Sorry, but I'm AGGRESSIVELY changing the subject back to, ya know,

John Wallac

An example for you all to look up to

by John Wallac » Mon, 11 Apr 2005 04:44:58

>>>Sorry dude, as of yesterday, I'm done with this useless discussion.
>>>I'm staying on sims from today on.

>>Or, "crap, I have no argument to that so I'll sprint for the m***
>>high ground"

> I'll be happy to take this conversation with you to private e-mail or
> anywhere else.  Don't assume that just because I choose to try to get
> back to talking racing sims here (I know, the horror!).  You know my
> e-mail address.   If you actually want to debate this you know where to
> reach me.

I apologise if I misjudged your bowing out. E-mail would be good, but
probably not on this topic. Neither of us are going to convert the
other, and I don't think it's the intention. is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.