...until GWB.
...until GWB.
At least Clinton was actually trying to get Bin Laden while the
Repugnicans were trying to bring him down for a private indiscretion
with a chubby intern.
Bush is now known to have ignored the intel showing al-Queda was
planning to attack on US soil.
> Geez...
> Marty
>> A normal person understands that war is a last resort, and one that is
>> taken because one's nation is in danger. A normal person understands that
>> democracy is not implemented at the point of a depleted uraniumed bomb.
>> Were it only so, we'd all be nazis by now.
>>>Youre mis-interpreting aggression. If anything like me it's not
>>>aggression it's AMAZEMENT that an otherwise seemingly normal person can
>>>think in the terms youve described yourself in the past few posts.
>>>The flight sim ng is known for its left wing lunatics if youre looking
>>>for a fight Alex ;)
>>>>Yes aggression is your nature I've noticed ;-)
>>>>>So, how you liking the sims these days?
>>>>>(Sorry, but I'm AGGRESSIVELY changing the subject back to, ya know,
I have no problem with Hussein being ousted and Iraq being invaded -
it's just over a decade too late and for all the bullshit reasons. It's like
punishing an animal or a child - if you don't do it immediately after they
faulter then they don't know why you're hurting them.
Any idiot can see what's happened here - the all mighty NATO can't even
play a good game of hide and seek and thus can't get Bin Laden so they
invade Iraq instead as a pitiful attempt to save face - just too funny
really and so befitting of GWB's personality.
The power to blow the world up 10 times over and can't even play a
childs game of hide and seek - hehehehehehehe. Sophistaced to the point of
complete confusion - back to kindergarten children! :)
Mitch, this is just bullshit. "Guts" is often a word used where
"stupidity" is the correct word. The pathetic GWB, who is a perfect
microcosm of the complacency and naivety of much of the U.S. military and
U.S. ?intelligence? has decided to invade Iraq after him and his goons
realised they couldn't get Bin Laden. I'll bet my balls that if Bin Laden
had been captured with 6 months or so of 911 that the Hussein family would
be living comfortably and quietly in Iraq. In the eyes of those as infintile
as he is, GWB is a hero. In the eyes of the inteligent he is a stupid little
boy who couldn't get back at his real rival (Bin Laden) so he takes it out
on the easy to find, easy to walk over Iraq.
That Moore doco on him showed him for the twit he is when news of 911
broke when he was in that classroom with the children (talk about in his
element). He sat there and had no idea what to do - I was waiting for him to
scream "I want my daddy". It makes you wonder how long he would have sat
there had one of his goons not grabbed the idiot by the arm and virtually
dragged him out of there.
Sorry to tell you buddy, but like Australia you are represented by a
clumsy idiot. You see, to get the ***es to vote for them, this is what
they need to be - nice little unthreatening, easily manipulated ***s. And
this is the glory you wish to share with the world? On behalf of the world -
Never ceases to amaze me how few people realise that democracy is what
you have when you have no leadership. Imagine how stupid you need to be to
give ***s a say in things outside the kitchen and laundry - the west are a
bunch of pussies! I hasten to point out that I pay no taxes and refuse to
associate myself with democracy (or any idiotic process for that matter) and
the idiotic west.
I wonder how I'd look with a thrown under my arse and a crown on my
head? :)
Well said.
>>liberal biased hatred? last time I checked, fella, my liberal biased
>>hatred didn't amount to millions of rotting corpses in umarked grave which
>>is what your loving right-wing ideology has brought the world in
>>Afghanistan, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Cuba, Bolivia, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon,
>>Pakistan, and on and on and on - and, last time I checked, there isn't one
>>example of US foreign policy - and I mean not ONE - since the end of WW2
>>and the demise of the liberal agenda in the US - that has turned out in
>>any way positive to the people of the lands that have been touched by the
>>wondrous hands of your loving ideology. Problem is, buddy, the US doesn't
>>give a ***about foreign lands until it is in its interest to care; and
>>then, every time, it will back the tyrants against the people. That's US
>>foreign policy. And defending it by somehow shouting - but we's better
>>than Saddam is already a losing argument. And really, for the good of the
>>good people who still call themselves American, I hope it's a lesson you
>>take on board - because nothing is forever. Not even the goodwill of a
>>world still grateful for WW2.
>>>Last I checked American foreign Policy is littered with FREE people the
>>>World over. More people with a higher degree of FREEDOM than at any time
>>>EVER in the history of mankind, and at the American taxpayers and ***
>>>and expense I might add.
>>>What is your countries contribution to World Peace and Freedom?
>>>Is American foreign Policy always right? I sure wouldnt say that but the
>>>good FAR outweighs the bad which your liberal biased hatred blocks
>>>entirely from your skewed perspective.
>>>>last time I checked the US foreign policy is littered with mistakes that
>>>>have cost millions of innocent lives.
Brain Washed
These are adjectives that accurately describe your political lunacy...
You have been proven wrong by what is happening in the Middle East yet you
still grasp for straws hoping beyond hope the Terrorists Win just so you can
say to GWB "See I told ya so".
The problem is you and your leftwingnuts are not smart enough to compete
with GW. The Republicans laughs at fools like you as you marginalize
yourself out of existence LOLOLOL.....
him showed him for the twit he is when news of 911
> Indoctrinated
> Conditioned
> Brain Washed
> These are adjectives that accurately describe your political lunacy...
> You have been proven wrong by what is happening in the Middle East yet you
> still grasp for straws hoping beyond hope the Terrorists Win just so you
> can say to GWB "See I told ya so".
> The problem is you and your leftwingnuts are not smart enough to compete
> with GW. The Republicans laughs at fools like you as you marginalize
> yourself out of existence LOLOLOL.....
> Mitch
> him showed him for the twit he is when news of 911
>> broke when he was in that classroom with the children (talk about in his
>> element). He sat there and had no idea what to do - I was waiting for him
>> to scream "I want my daddy". It makes you wonder how long he would have
>> sat there had one of his goons not grabbed the idiot by the arm and
>> virtually dragged him out of there.
> The flight sim ng is known for its left wing lunatics if youre looking for a
> fight Alex ;)
> Indoctrinated
> Conditioned
> Brain Washed
> These are adjectives that accurately describe your political lunacy...
> You have been proven wrong by what is happening in the Middle East yet you
> still grasp for straws hoping beyond hope the Terrorists Win just so you
> can say to GWB "See I told ya so".
> The problem is you and your leftwingnuts are not smart enough to compete
> with GW. The Republicans laughs at fools like you as you marginalize
> yourself out of existence LOLOLOL.....
> Mitch
> him showed him for the twit he is when news of 911
>> broke when he was in that classroom with the children (talk about in his
>> element). He sat there and had no idea what to do - I was waiting for him
>> to scream "I want my daddy". It makes you wonder how long he would have
>> sat there had one of his goons not grabbed the idiot by the arm and
>> virtually dragged him out of there.
a) because everything in the Moore doco is true?
b) because it is genuine slander and character assasination that Bush fails
to address?
His failure to bury Moore says to me that not only is it all true but
Bush just wants it to go away and be investigated/explored no more b4 more
juicy stuff comes out.
If GWB is upwards from where you are pal then that's a very sad
statement about you!
> Indoctrinated
> Conditioned
> Brain Washed
> These are adjectives that accurately describe your political lunacy...
> You have been proven wrong by what is happening in the Middle East yet you
> still grasp for straws hoping beyond hope the Terrorists Win just so you
> can say to GWB "See I told ya so".
> The problem is you and your leftwingnuts are not smart enough to compete
> with GW. The Republicans laughs at fools like you as you marginalize
> yourself out of existence LOLOLOL.....
> Mitch
> him showed him for the twit he is when news of 911
>> broke when he was in that classroom with the children (talk about in his
>> element). He sat there and had no idea what to do - I was waiting for him
>> to scream "I want my daddy". It makes you wonder how long he would have
>> sat there had one of his goons not grabbed the idiot by the arm and
>> virtually dragged him out of there.
A fantastic reminder of the lies.
"They have weapons of mass destruction......that is what this war was
about.....is about."
David G Fisher
Bush can practice all the revisionist history he wants and cite a
bajillion other reasons - that doesn't give them meaning.
What Alex wrote is BANG on the money there. You paid for the Ba'ath
party due to oil. You left Hussein in power due to oil. And you went
back and ousted him due to oil. Same as was the case with Suharto in
Indonesia (mmmm, lovely rare minerals for the market!), same for
Noriega, same for practically every dictator and atrocious regime the
world over. It's a world-wide chess game, and the US is playing it.
The wierd thing is that given the historical context and various
perceptions of how the world can develop, in a broader context I cannot
convince myself that the US is wrong to do this (or the UK to ally
ourselves to them). I hate every atrocity, every unnecessary genocide
and slaughter, but only history will tell if they are justified.
The one thing I can't believe is that people still delude themselves is
that this does not go on, and that their government just blows kisses
around the world and tries to make friends with everyone.
>>So, in America, it is your claim that you believe that,
>>(a) you didn't go to war over WMD
>>(b) Congress didn't give your Beloved Leader carte blanche to ***
>>over 100,000 Iraqis because of WMD
>>(c) "Bringing Freedom to Nation (x)" is now a legitimate cause for
>>the violation/invasion/occupation of a sovereign nation according to
>>US Law (d) What we have in Iraq is democracy
>>(e) Depleted uranium doesn't kill despite the plethora of evidence
>>from Iraq War 1
>>(f) The fact that you have dealt with - and continue to deal with -
>>tyrants the world over should in no way mean that you deal with
>>tyrants the world over - now or ever
>>(g) that criticism of Israeli's policy - universally rejected by
>>every nation on earth but for the US - means that the critic is a nazi
>>(h) that it is better to lose 1500 US soldiers - and have 10,000
>>injured - than bombing from 40,000 feet.
>>(i) that WMD was not the reason for the British and the others of
>>your coalition joining up to your adventure
>>(j) that you never trained Bin Laden
>>(k) that you never trained the mujahadeen in Afghanistan
>>(l) that you never paid for tyrants like Mabuto and the Shah of Iran
>>(m) that you are not paying for tyrants in Uzbekistan, Pakistan, etc
>>etc ...
>>Dude, really - give it up. It's sad having to read this; not even
>>Powell, when he didn't give evidence at the UN about WMD, believed ,
>>know what I mean? You're, like, dude, the last person on earth that
>>still believes ... which is convenient, since the, uhm, "Seig Heil"
>>that the world is listening to is from people like you, jackbooted
>>and marching to the tune which we have all heard before, too many
>>>>To begin with there are NO WMD in Iraq, so your justification for
>>war >> was a lie.
>>>History didn't begin when you woke up this morning. Why don't you
>>>actually go back and read the transcript of Bush's 2002 State of the
>>>Union speech. You'll find a LOT more there than WMD. What you're
>>>saying is only evidence of the fact that the more often and the more
>>>stridently you tell a lie, the more people believe it.
>>>FOrtunately, we have RECORDS of what was said to us....at least for
>>>those of us with the honesty to look at them.
>>>>Thirdly, if you're so convinced of free Iraq, I suggest a trip to
>>>>Baghdad for details.
>>>No, actually I suggest YOU go and stand in a square near where 7
>>>million people voted for the first time and start shouting your
>>>views. My guess is you don't get out of the square in one piece.
>>>It's easy to deny freedom to others. You just say that we "don't
>>>have the right to give them democracy". It's another way of saying
>>>'we got ours, but you can't have yours, because it might make
>>>someone I hate look good'.
>>>>Fourth, the fact that depleted uranium KILLS is just that - a fact
>>- >> and the fact that you would somehow decide that that FACT is a
>>>>liberal agenda is about as bizarre as saying that evolution is a
>>>>theory (Kansas, maybe?).
>>>Dude, you have YET to supply any kind of evidence for this depleted
>>>uranium claim.
>>>>More than that, the idea that the US - who armed, encouraged and
>>paid >> for Saddam's war with Iran in which countless millions were
>>gassed >> and killed, are suddenly the bringers of democracy to Iraq
>>is >> laughable.
>>>Ah, so you live on the planet where no matter what, all the people
>>>you associate with have to be of high character. The realities of
>>>the planet are not so black 'n white. I wish we lived on Planet
>>>utopia and we never had to actually associate with anyone who is
>>>not a saint.
>>>>And let's not
>>>>forget who armed, trained and paid for Bin Laden and his
>>>Blah blah blah. Even if I accept all this drivel, and even if I
>>>accept that the US is all entirely to blame, does that exempt us
>>>from making it right later? Are we to trust the french to make it
>>>>And let's not forget who has paid Israel 4 billion dollars a year
>>to >> continue its racist policies against the Palestinians.
>>>Yeah, those mean Israelis. Why don't they just take their suicide
>>>bombers lying down like good little Jews. Seig Heil, my friend?
>>>(If you didn't notice, the sarcasm is being laid down thickly).
>>>I'm sure you wish Clinton were back in office, at least he did his
>>>bombing from 40,000 feet, damn the consequences.