Sorry dude, as of yesterday, I'm done with this useless discussion.
I'm staying on sims from today on. If you want to keep believing the
idiots' work themselves into a lather for the 'cause'.
> So, in America, it is your claim that you believe that,
> (a) you didn't go to war over WMD
> (b) Congress didn't give your Beloved Leader carte blanche to ***
> over 100,000 Iraqis because of WMD
> (c) "Bringing Freedom to Nation (x)" is now a legitimate cause for
> the violation/invasion/occupation of a sovereign nation according to
> US Law (d) What we have in Iraq is democracy
> (e) Depleted uranium doesn't kill despite the plethora of evidence
> from Iraq War 1
> (f) The fact that you have dealt with - and continue to deal with -
> tyrants the world over should in no way mean that you deal with
> tyrants the world over - now or ever
> (g) that criticism of Israeli's policy - universally rejected by
> every nation on earth but for the US - means that the critic is a nazi
> (h) that it is better to lose 1500 US soldiers - and have 10,000
> injured - than bombing from 40,000 feet.
> (i) that WMD was not the reason for the British and the others of
> your coalition joining up to your adventure
> (j) that you never trained Bin Laden
> (k) that you never trained the mujahadeen in Afghanistan
> (l) that you never paid for tyrants like Mabuto and the Shah of Iran
> (m) that you are not paying for tyrants in Uzbekistan, Pakistan, etc
> etc ...
> Dude, really - give it up. It's sad having to read this; not even
> Powell, when he didn't give evidence at the UN about WMD, believed ,
> know what I mean? You're, like, dude, the last person on earth that
> still believes ... which is convenient, since the, uhm, "Seig Heil"
> that the world is listening to is from people like you, jackbooted
> and marching to the tune which we have all heard before, too many
> times.
> >> To begin with there are NO WMD in Iraq, so your justification for
> war >> was a lie.
> > History didn't begin when you woke up this morning. Why don't you
> > actually go back and read the transcript of Bush's 2002 State of the
> > Union speech. You'll find a LOT more there than WMD. What you're
> > saying is only evidence of the fact that the more often and the more
> > stridently you tell a lie, the more people believe it.
> > FOrtunately, we have RECORDS of what was said to least for
> > those of us with the honesty to look at them.
> >> Thirdly, if you're so convinced of free Iraq, I suggest a trip to
> >> Baghdad for details.
> > No, actually I suggest YOU go and stand in a square near where 7
> > million people voted for the first time and start shouting your
> > views. My guess is you don't get out of the square in one piece.
> > It's easy to deny freedom to others. You just say that we "don't
> > have the right to give them democracy". It's another way of saying
> > 'we got ours, but you can't have yours, because it might make
> > someone I hate look good'.
> >> Fourth, the fact that depleted uranium KILLS is just that - a fact
> - >> and the fact that you would somehow decide that that FACT is a
> >> liberal agenda is about as bizarre as saying that evolution is a
> >> theory (Kansas, maybe?).
> > Dude, you have YET to supply any kind of evidence for this depleted
> > uranium claim.
> >> More than that, the idea that the US - who armed, encouraged and
> paid >> for Saddam's war with Iran in which countless millions were
> gassed >> and killed, are suddenly the bringers of democracy to Iraq
> is >> laughable.
> > Ah, so you live on the planet where no matter what, all the people
> > you associate with have to be of high character. The realities of
> > the planet are not so black 'n white. I wish we lived on Planet
> > utopia and we never had to actually associate with anyone who is
> > not a saint.
> >> And let's not
> >> forget who armed, trained and paid for Bin Laden and his
> mujahadeen.
> > Blah blah blah. Even if I accept all this drivel, and even if I
> > accept that the US is all entirely to blame, does that exempt us
> > from making it right later? Are we to trust the french to make it
> > right?!
> >> And let's not forget who has paid Israel 4 billion dollars a year
> to >> continue its racist policies against the Palestinians.
> > Yeah, those mean Israelis. Why don't they just take their suicide
> > bombers lying down like good little Jews. Seig Heil, my friend?
> > (If you didn't notice, the sarcasm is being laid down thickly).
> > I'm sure you wish Clinton were back in office, at least he did his
> > bombing from 40,000 feet, damn the consequences.
> > Randy