> > http://members.cox.net/gek54/gek54/images/forza23.jpg
> > http://members.cox.net/gek54/gek54/images/Forza2Beta3.jpg
> > http://members.cox.net/gek54/gek54/images/forza22.jpg
> > http://forzamotorsport.net/090506-1.htm
> > keep in mind, Forza 2 runs at 60 FRAMES PER SECOND, twice the framerate
> > of the original Xbox game, twice the framerate of PGR3 on the same
> > machine, Xbox 360, rendered at 720p resolution with 4x anti-aliasing,
> > uses some advanced lighting techniques, some per-pixel effects and will
> > be a far better racing game than PGR3 could ever hope to be.
> Those pictures are not THAT impressive at all. It is all going to come
> down to gameplay anyhow. It isn't the same league as the prerendered
> they did at E3. And while it may use 4x anti-aliasing, the pics did
> have jaggies in them.
> - Richard Hutnik
I would rather have not-so-impressive-graphics but 60 frames per second
in a simulation (or arcade-style racer) than impressive graphics but
only 30FPS like PGR2, Forza1 or PGR3.
framerate is king because it directly effects gameplay, sense of speed
and immersion.