Agreed. Run wide-open through turns 1 & 2, you lose way too much speed
for the bacxkstretch if you even tap on the brakes. Don't be afraid
of being too conservative in the 3rd turn....If you make it through
smooth with no contact, you should be able to get right back up
to speed. I would recommend not trying to pass in that turn, all my
attempts have been suicidal. You can usually make up for lost speed on
the backstretch in the draft. I've pulled off 2 wins, and about 4 other
top fives in (LOTS) of starts. I'm now officialy retired as I can't
afford that 1 dollar strain on my wallet. ;)
/////////////////////// #7 #28 #37 #51 #70 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
| John C. Phipps, Freshman | "You've got speed...USE IT!!!!" |
| College of Engineering | DE#3 MM#6 GB#7 DT#15 |
| West ***ia University | BL#18 JS#32 JN#87 |
\\\\\\\\Flame 'em all you want, we'll see who wins the cup!////////