> We probably don't want the Mr Angry's of this world racing GTR
anyway. I
> tend to side with the people here who have had no problems, it's only
a game
> and I know hundreds of people who won't be buying because it's a
> game, so a few who don't buy it for other reasons is fine.
> --
> Andi.
> Remove only one zero to reply
> > > Because they are putting Starforce protection drivers in it. Even
> > > freaking demo has Starforce in it. I didn't buy HL2 because of
> > > and I certainly won't buy anymore games with Starforce after
> > > Toca2. I classify Starforce as a Trojan. Look it up.
> > Your loss.
> > GTR installer tells you that it will install StarForce. Classify
that as
> > you may.
> > And to all Nero users: I use Nero too, no problems with StarForce
> > And if you do encounter troubles with it, contact StarForce tech
> > support. They can't fix what they don't know about. They're quite
> > helpful too.
Always causes me major eye-rolling when people whine about things like
Starforce or SafeDisc - you probably already have several far more
insidious "drivers" lurking around on your machine that you dont even
know about - it's like a smoker complaining about air pollution.
Fact is, the makers of these products pitch them to retailers. And
they have a done such a good job of convincing retailers that this
stuff works, today no retailer will accept a game without some kind of
copy protection.
I've heard all the arguments, pro and con. If these products cause
legitimate harm to your computer, then your complaint is warranted.
Too often, it's just selective griping about an easy target like
Starforce. Ya know, we wouldn't need cops if it wasnt for all those
damn *crooks* . . .
j c