I finally got my T2 wheel about 4 days ago. I expected my performance
to rocket once I get used to it, but no way. Does anyone have hints?
I had downloaded the car setup and HL replay for Monza from Sim Racing
News, the guy did 1:21.620 with it, no helps. I used to do a low 1:25
with it using my previous setup: accel/brakes with my TM FCS and
keyboard steering. Now I have played about 15 hours with the T2 and
cannot get the hang of it. The best I can do is a high 1:26 with
steering help and opposite lock.
With SH the game seems more playable, though IMHO it is not really SH
as I understand it should only be active if I don't get into a bend.
The SH as currently implemented works on the shole track and I feel
like I'm driving on rails.
OTOH without SH , though I feel _I_ am in control of the car, I can't
seem to get into a bend. I have closely watched the posted HL replay,
and am using the exact same setup (the guy did not use SH either).
Using the same entry speeds and entry points I can't get into chicanes
the way the other guy did. Then I started copying the computer cars,
same thing. I understand computer cars might (and I guess do) have
their own driving algorythms, but nothing comes close.
The car terribly understeers. I have tried to use different lock
angles, it seems a bit better at the highest one (35 deg.). Yet before
Rettifilo, Roggia and Vialone I have to brake to 90- kmh or two things
happen: either the car refuses to steer at all and I get on the grass
in a straight line or if I try to steer tiny bit earlier I cut through
the left bumps. This happens also with the default GP2 Monza setup,
only two possible paths through the chicanes: either straight into the
grass or a direct line into the corner cutting the bumps and grass
behind it.
I am begginning to think that computer-controlled cars all use
steering help to get so tightly through the chicanes.
Also I noticed that when I use no SH, even if I brake down to 80 kmh
to tightly go through the chicanes, my wheels scream all the way, a
thing I did not notice in other people replays and when viewing
computer controlled cars.
What am I doing wrong? I would really like to stop using SH, as I
don't see why I should use the wide path in Lesmos and Parabolica as
the game thinks I should.
Maybe it is related to the framerate? I have a P-120/32MB/Lightspeed
128 (speed: 233 and video speed 444 according to gp2log.txt). If I
turn all details on I get 9 fps and with only the necessary stuff I
get 23 fps. I always run at the 'recommended fps'. But I haven't
noticed any difference in controllability when running at 9 or 23 fps,
it all seems to run at the same smoothness.
Would an ACM-like card help? My T2 is currently connected to my AWE32,
but I haven't noticed any of the symptoms like drift and stuff. Maybe
the AWE32 game port isn't fast enough to process the quick change of
position of the wheel? Would steering improve if I buy a dedicated
game card?
Thanks for bearing with me. Any help will be greatly appreciated.