GeForce and GPL

Some Call Me Ti

GeForce and GPL

by Some Call Me Ti » Thu, 20 Apr 2000 04:00:00

I've replaced my good old Voodoo 2s with a shiny new GeForce DDR and the
Voodoos now reside in my spare old machine. I've got GPL patched to 1.2 and
run with the second OpenGL beta and have finally got rid of the flickering
mirrors By switching block transfer off. My system is rock solid for
stability with every game I've got even running my PIII450 at 581 MHz. The
problem is that GPL just locks up on certain tracks. I can run Spa and
Silverstone fine but as soon as Austria gets loaded it locks up and shock
horror and bitter disappointment as  soon as I've driven about 500 meters
down the track the Ring locks up.

This is especially annoying as a mate has just done an 8:30 in the Brabham
and I've only managed 9 in the Eagle and I must beat him.

I've got a Ferrari FF wheel (most excellent) and it locks up with this off
or on and it doesn't lock up in software so it must be the OpenGL or

Any ideas anyone?

I really couldn't bare to use software mode and the only other choice is to
re-instate my Voodoos.

Some Call Me Tim


GeForce and GPL

by Sinj » Thu, 20 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Make sure you have your OpenGL RAM setting lowered to 2.  That fixed ALL of my
problems - that and FORCING Block Mode ON.


GeForce and GPL

by Coli » Fri, 21 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Which drivers do you have for your GeForce?
Make sure you have 3.68+

Tim O

GeForce and GPL

by Tim O » Fri, 21 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Are these block transfer settings available on the drivers for the
TNT2? I have the version, which I think is the latest and
can't find it.
I just started messing with GPL on the TNT, and it's running good
except for the flickering mirrors.


>Which drivers do you have for your GeForce?
>Make sure you have 3.68+

>> I've replaced my good old Voodoo 2s with a shiny new GeForce DDR and the
>> Voodoos now reside in my spare old machine. I've got GPL patched to 1.2
>> run with the second OpenGL beta and have finally got rid of the flickering
>> mirrors By switching block transfer off. My system is rock solid for
>> stability with every game I've got even running my PIII450 at 581 MHz. The
>> problem is that GPL just locks up on certain tracks. I can run Spa and
>> Silverstone fine but as soon as Austria gets loaded it locks up and shock
>> horror and bitter disappointment as  soon as I've driven about 500 meters
>> down the track the Ring locks up.


GeForce and GPL

by Coli » Fri, 21 Apr 2000 04:00:00

I think they are.
I'm not sure where you're getting the version number from.
Maybe you are running the drivers from your card reseller and not the
reference drivers.
Go to and get the TNT/TNT2 drivers there.
3.68 are stable, but 3.77 are a little faster.  Can't comment on the 5.xx

Some Call Me Ti

GeForce and GPL

by Some Call Me Ti » Mon, 24 Apr 2000 04:00:00

I've now spent quite a bit of time trying to get my GeForce working with GPL
and although it looks fantastic in OpenGL it still only runs at between
20-30 fps and about 11 at the start even on my 581Mhz PIII. It still locks
up on some circuits, most disappointingly at the ring, so I've given up and
put my 2 old faithful Voodoo 2 12mb's back in. It might not look quite as
good but I get 36fps except at the start when it drops to only 20 fps with
20 cars full detail.

Yours much happier with his V2's

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