F1 2000 - Please help!


F1 2000 - Please help!

by chainbreake » Sun, 04 Jun 2000 04:00:00

Certainly sounds like a video driver issue to me.  I'm not familiar with the
V3 3000 you just installed, but if it's a new card and you used the drivers
that came with it, then they're almost certainly outdated.  Perhaps you can
find and install the latest reference drivers for your card.  They should be
at if memory serves.  Maybe that'll fix your problem.  Good

Jerry Morelock


F1 2000 - Please help!

by alemir » Sun, 04 Jun 2000 04:00:00

I had the same problem with a Voodoo2.
I had found the solution changing the video.cfg all Voodoo2
modes to 0, except for 800x600=180.
This is my current config with Voodoo3 3000
[Direct3D Primary]
DeviceName="3dfx Voodoo3"

Hope this help.

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Francois Dubu

F1 2000 - Please help!

by Francois Dubu » Mon, 05 Jun 2000 04:00:00

I have the latest whql drivers from the "3dfx gamers" website.
There's also a set of beta drivers, maybe I should try that out.

Thanks Jerry.


On Sat, 3 Jun 2000 23:43:52 -0400, "chainbreaker"

>> Hi all,

>> I'm having a huge problem with F1 2000:

>> The menus don't fit into my screen!  I mean, the image is fine, but
>> I'm missing the lower part and the right part of the screens.  It
>> worked fine with my Thriller3D (although in software mode...) but
>> since I installed my V3 3000 I can't get it right!

>Certainly sounds like a video driver issue to me.  I'm not familiar with the
>V3 3000 you just installed, but if it's a new card and you used the drivers
>that came with it, then they're almost certainly outdated.  Perhaps you can
>find and install the latest reference drivers for your card.  They should be
>at if memory serves.  Maybe that'll fix your problem.  Good

>Jerry Morelock

Francois Dubuc,

Simulator ***world,***world/
Francois Dubu

F1 2000 - Please help!

by Francois Dubu » Mon, 05 Jun 2000 04:00:00

Thanks alemira,

Mine says TotalMem=15???  I tried changing the lines in my video cfg
file to yours but the game wouldn't boot at all...  I'm beginning to
feel very frustrated with that game!


On Sat, 03 Jun 2000 21:57:48 -0700, alemira

>I had the same problem with a Voodoo2.
>I had found the solution changing the video.cfg all Voodoo2
>modes to 0, except for 800x600=180.
>This is my current config with Voodoo3 3000
>[Direct3D Primary]
>DeviceName="3dfx Voodoo3"

>Hope this help.

>* Sent from RemarQ The Internet's Discussion Network *
>The fastest and easiest way to search and participate in Usenet - Free!

Francois Dubuc,

Simulator ***world,***world/

F1 2000 - Please help!

by No » Mon, 05 Jun 2000 04:00:00

("Francois Dubuc") thus spoke:

I'm using the beta drivers and F1 2000 is running fine with them. Have
you somehow set the game to run in windowed mode? I had the same
problem when I set the game to run in windowed mode and my desktop was
set to a certain resolution (can't remember which). Look in the
"Config.ini" and make sure the WindowedMode=0 and not 1.

Francois Dubu

F1 2000 - Please help!

by Francois Dubu » Thu, 08 Jun 2000 04:00:00

I've been able to run it fine with the beta drivers from 3DFX.  Now
everything's fine except one thing:  I can't calibrate my ACT Labs
Force RS wheel...  It worked fine in the past, but now it's completely
impossible to calibrate it.  Whenever I chose one of the moves like
"shift up" as an example, I can click on anything, move any pedal or
steering, and it'll always end up as "B12", like one of the buttons
was stuck...  But I checked and double checked and all buttons work

Frustration level goes up a notch!


>("Francois Dubuc") thus spoke:

>>I have the latest whql drivers from the "3dfx gamers" website.
>>There's also a set of beta drivers, maybe I should try that out.

>I'm using the beta drivers and F1 2000 is running fine with them. Have
>you somehow set the game to run in windowed mode? I had the same
>problem when I set the game to run in windowed mode and my desktop was
>set to a certain resolution (can't remember which). Look in the
>"Config.ini" and make sure the WindowedMode=0 and not 1.

Francois Dubuc,

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