> Merry Christmas!!<G>
> Drivers:
> Well, tonight I just had 8 races in Kali!! Latencies varied from .25
> to .30!!! There was NO "ghosting, flickering, nor Hand of God"
> problems.
> I have come to this conclusion about racing on the Internet, Yes it's
> possible and stable!!!
> Here are the important steps in racing on the I-net:
> 1) They key here is the "ping" feature. Generally, you "can" accept
> ping reponses from 100 to as high as 600ms. Even though you ping
> someone ( I suggest you ping the person "manually", it's more
> accurate ) and he/she is in the right range, you have to ping them
> several times until they have become stablized.
> Meaning this, let's driver A pings at 600ms. I ping him again and he
> is 223ms, then again at 330ms. As you can see, he isn't really
> stable. What you really want, is to ping someone until the "range" is
> stable or consistant. Let's say Driver b pinged at 334ms, and I do it
> again several times, his results are 331ms, 336ms, 333ms. You see he
> is stable. This would be a great connection to race with. But you also
> have to have a "stable" connection!! Are you still with me??
> You see the Internet is "unstable" majority of the time. The transfer
> rate on the Internet goes from one extreme to another ( up and down
> ). Once you have overcome this barrier, you will have a killer
> connection to race with. Got it??
> The stablization is also dependant on your ISP!! Some ISPs are slower
> than others. Run a traceroute program to see how your ISP is going to
> the Gateway. You will see how many times it connects..
> 2) There were times we couldn't hook up at all!! So Pat Dotson and I
> tried "server" mode. That worked great!!
> In this mode, both of unload Kali (kali /u for DOS, haven't done in
> Win95 yet), then one of decides to be the "host" and the other person
> will use "your IP address" to log onto ( This is the "dailer" or
> caller ). You can still run KCHAT and wait for the person until he
> connects to you.
> I would like to continue testing on Kali and Kahn( haven't done it,
> yet!!) Any volunteers???
> Don?? Steve?? Lyman?? Wallace?? Pekka?? Anyone??
> Just email me..or call and let's get busy..
> Happy Holidays!!
> take care
> Julian Data
> IVGA Member #0004
> Director of Information Technology
> ACE Beta Tester and Driver of IVGA
> Channel Operator of #ivga on IRC (Undernet)
> Powered by IVGA Pro Gamer System P6-200 oc 233, 96MB EDO
let me know when you can race 8 users in NASCAR 2 using Kali
or Kahn...
Don Wilshe