I have been playing with the sounds in SCGT. I think the Revved sounds are great V8 sound but I drive the V12 Vector so the V8
sounds dont exactly fit and its not a high rev engine like the Mclaren.
I am not a programmer , but I found a few simple ways to change the sounds. If I can do this then it shouldn't be too hard for
The sounds are all in simple wav file format so you can change them with any wav editor. I tried using Creative Wave Studio, but it
makes a popping sound at the repeat of it. The Windows Sound Recorder will let you increase or decrease the volume in steps. This is
good for making your car louder than the others, make hitting cones louder, make the crowd quieter, or whatever you like. You may
have to experiment to find what sound is for what.
conenn.wav hit cones and pilons
crwdnn.wav the crowd cheers
Annon.wav the anouncer
Shftia.wav gear shifting
Skdpnn.wav skid on pavement
The engine sounds are separated into a sound for
idle inside the car = Idleia.wav (or Idleib., Idleic.,Idleid., for the different type engine)
idle (outside) external of the car= Idleea.wav
engine rpms up inside the car=Eng2ia.wav
engine rpms up external=Eng2ea.wav
and then some cars have thier own engine sound like the BMW
BMW idle in car=BMW3II.wav
idle external=BMW3IE.wav
reved in car = Bmw3r1.wav
reved external=Bmw3re.wav
I also found that if you take a high pitch engine sound like the ones for MGPRS2 and decrease the speed with Windows sound recorder
it makes some good engine sounds. The V10 sound slowed down would be great for a Viper.
I also found a very easy to use shareware hex editor program so that you can open the large vehicle.mas file in the DAT folder and
modify it like a text editing program. (save a copy of the file before you change anything! )
Its called UltraEdit-32 at http://www.ultraedit.com/
It is easy to use, just open the file, click on the "H" in the toolbar, and select view and display line numbers (because there are
8325 lines!).
You will see car settings and the sound files that each car uses. However if you change this it may not work in multiplayer.
I changed the setting for the Vector to use my own sound file called Vecri.wav
and made my own wav sound. Its OK but not exactly a V12 engine sound so if anyone has a good one let me know.
There is lot more that can be modified with this editor but I dont have the time.
I read that there could still be a way to make visible car damage with some hacking :-)
Good luck