Good tip, Richard.
While I scanned the .plr file for that setting I noticed this one:
"FFB rumble strip pull factor="-1.50000" // How strongly wheel pulls
right/left when running over a rumble strip. Suggested range:
-1.5 to 1.5."
At that point I suddenly realised what was wrong with the way hitting a kerb
in the game felt: it felt like hitting a rutt instead(1). Noticing the range
of values, I began to suspect this was another "make of wheel" dependant
setting. Surely the people at ISI wouldn't forget to automatically change
the sign on this setting to be in accordance(2) with that of the force
feedback strength setting (or get their signs wrong)? -Err... yes, they
would actually. To test I set the FFB strenght to 100%(3) in the game --->
bug: no change in this .plr file setting.
So I set: FFB rumble strip pull factor="1.50000" and checked. *Much* better,
but the effect was too pronounced, IMO. So I reduced it to 0.75000, but then
I still had to really steer to stay on flat rumblestrips, e.g. the outside
one towards Coca Cola curve on the Nurburgring. Now it's at 0.50000 and I
think that's a workable compromise.
I also went ahead and fiddled a little with the other settings, the result
of which is below(4) and gives me a convincing ride. These were arrived at
with Overall Strenght at 100%, Spring Effect Strengh at 40% and Damping
Effect Strenght at 40% in the MOMO wheel properties and are only included
FYI. As always YMMV.
So, recent Logitech users need to change the sign on this setting and may
want to adapt its value to taste. Everybody else + red LWFF users must keep
the sign, but may want to adapt this value to taste as well.
(1): I tested running into steep kerbs at low speed without steering input
and, indeed, the car would be drawn into the kerb instead of being pushed
away from it.
(2): in this case the opposite of the sign of the strenght setting
(3): I use -100% because of my Logitech MOMO.
(4): FFB rumble strip magnitude="0.50000" // How strong the rumble strip
rumble is. Range 0.0 to 1.0, 0.0 disables effect.
FFB rumble strip freq mult="0.60000" // Rumble stip frequency
multiplier 1.0 = one rumble per wheel rev.
FFB rumble strip wave type="2" // Type of wave to use for vibe:
0=Sine, 1=Square, 2=Triangle, 3=Sawtooth up, 4=Sawtooth down.
FFB rumble strip pull factor="0.50000" // How strongly wheel pulls
right/left when running over a rumble strip. Suggested range: -1.5
to 1.5.
FFB rumble strip update thresh="0.07500" // Amount of change
required to update rumble strip effect (0.0 - 1.0)