Why NASCAR2 needs alot of work...
1> Unless you have a "Rendition" video card you can't play in hi res
mode which leaves you with 2D graphics. Tech support, as rude as they
were, confirmed this. I've got a Stealth 3D 2000XL w/ 4MB EDO ram
and I get pretty much the same graphics as a 1MB trident.
2> The sound quality just plain sucks. I've got a pentium pro 166,
32MB ram, a sounblaster awe32-pnp, and TWO sets of Altec Lansing
ACS500 speaker systems - when I play the original NASCAR the room
literally shakes. When I play NASCAR2 with the proper and same sound
setup all I get is FM quality sound (rather than the engines rumbling
they buzz) Tech support says it's not coming out with anything to
correct this and its just the difference between the two games. Even
if I had a rendition card to get the full 3D graphics the sound
quality is so poor I just can't justify the $50!
Basically they rushed to get this game out before Christmas and
neglecting many refinements and failing miserably!!!