set your desktop to 32bit and try that
I have the amigamerlins but never tried them...I am using X3dfx drivers from
november 2001. Turn on the Guardband clip option, that's good for about 3
more fps...
dave henrie
> I have not be able to run either game in 32 bit color with my v5 5500. I
> using the latest AmigaMerlin dirvers. If anyone has some information about
> how to run this in 32bit color, or a driver recommendation
> Thanks,
> Btgoss
> --
> btgoss
> Remove my shorts to reply
> > > And 3dfx V4 & V5 cards can 'use' TnL settings and actually see a
> > framerate
> > > benefit, but at least with N4, the graphic corruption made it
> > > unusable.(holes in the sides of cars, missing textures in the***pit
> > etc.)
> > > dave henrie
> > I never saw a frame rate benefit on my V5. I did see lot's of graphical
> > corruption using that option though. Let's face it, 3DFX added that
> > purely so they could just make it look like the V5 was capable of doing
> T&L
> > and compete with Nvidia. The fact is, the V5 method uses the cpu to do
> that
> > stuff and is not a feature of the video card and to say it can 'use' T&L
> is
> > misleading.