Got a Rendition (3D Blaster) card. I don't think there was an ICR2 bundle over here
(UK). Bought all Papy sims except indy500 (didn't have a computer then). Bought the
Rendition for Papy sims. N2 is a disappointment. It looks a bit nicer than standard
version and I can have track & sky textures on but it still isn't the silky performer I
was expecting. This might be down to the fact that I cant get a DMATEST score above
71.5, which I believe is way below par on my P200. I can't chance the PCI latency on my
Anyway, non-accelerated SVGA performance is worse than on my old card (3D 2000) so ICR2
and NCR1 look worse than they did. I need to get Rendition ICR2 somehow. I bought this
car mainly for my Papy games, and the cards are a lot more expensive over here (UK) than
the US - 170-180 pounds.
Any ideas, let me know.
I'd also like to get a hold of an N2 Atlanta AI patch. If one's available, let me know.