This is almost a troll worthy post <grin>
If you look anywhere, OLR's forums, this Usenet group (searchable via
Google) and many others, you will find most hate it, and yet again most like
it. Sounds like Im posting gibberish, don't it? Well yah, everyone that
likes NR03 as it is, especially online, has seemingly concluded that the sim
is crap, as it is shipped & installed from CD. Id venture a guess that half
of them, after tweaking the hell out of the .PLR file likes it enough to
play it, but prolly well over half of those who did hated the online
issues... The Ea guys promise a multiplayer type patch "soon" alas Im am
not holding my breath tho, with EA's track record...
there were some stunning bugs, and some stunning likes about it, is obvious.
But now is it worth the 40 bucks? Well how adapt are you at tweaking
software (I do OK at it)? how's your hardware? all up to date with as many
optimized settings figured out? (please note this DOES NOT mean just newest
drivers but knowing what settings to use, in control panel or tweakware
apps, none-the-less)... is your system healthy an free of resource hogging
apps that autoload everytime you boot, how about spyware and junk? (I think
mine is)... SO then, if everything you have is like mine, still comes down
to this... Hell if I can tell for you, but I think it will be worth having,
I mean hell I bought Thunder back when too, although it went to the dusty
storage box in short order... the biggest thing I can see about it, is the
unleveled playing field this forces the Sim community if it is adopted...
at least how it stands, I mean, by default if you flat a tire, your race is
over, but if you can tweak your stuff, you might make it to the pits, plus a
plethora of other options or scenarios that I see, like this that it leaves
wide open...
I should someday receive mine that I pre-ordered on Feb. 2 and for $25, but
I assume by the time them fuggers ship mine {thank you}, it
could be patched, OR the NSR-06 could be gold by then (which is prolly "the
patch"... the way EA does it, LOL).
R.V. Gronoff enlightened us with: