time as a non-USB joystick (i.e. will they work)? Thanks.
I cannot get my LWFF and my homemade pedals to work in N3. Works fine in
GPL, F1RS, and even NFS which I don't consider very good.
If I'm doing something wrong please let me know.
While GPL supports multiple devices, N3 does not.
Call it what you want, cutting corners, rushed "out the door" programming,
whatever....Bottom line, customer suffers.
>I cannot get my LWFF and my homemade pedals to work in N3. Works fine in
>GPL, F1RS, and even NFS which I don't consider very good.
>If I'm doing something wrong please let me know.
>> Yes. And the better games will let you select which or both to use.
> You're not doing anything wrong....
Couldnt get both work at the same time in Colin McRae Rally :-(
Any ideas?
"If I were any lazier,
Surfers Paradise I'd slip into a coma."
http://www.netsonic.fi/~harrijv/ - Garfield -
Hoping to be proved wrong
works only this way for me.
On Tue, 21 Sep 1999 12:40:03 -0400, "Kenneth M. Portner"