For years USB was ignored now its getting shoved down our throats.
Here is the story:
Last week I bought a MS FF Sidewinder Wheel USB. Well to make a long story
short. The FF-USB combination caused severe stuttering in my graphics
performance. The only thing that sort of helped out was when I turned of
FSAA on my GeForce 3. So posted some comments here and found out that I was
not the only one suffering from this problem. Some people recommended to get
a non USB wheel. I thought that was a great idea so I returned the FF wheel
and went shopping or a non USB FF wheel. Well I CAN'T find one anywhere.
It's either the MS USB or Logitech USB FF wheels. The selection really sucks
locally and we have all the big stores here. Best Buy, CompUSA, etc...
So my question is does anyone manufacture or sell a non USB FF wheel
I heard the Act-Labs USB is much better than MS so I am very interested in
trying out that wheel. I just hate getting things like this in mail order
when you are not sure its going to work to your satisfaction. However, it
will be one of my few options.
My system:
P4 1.5 Ghz
512 Rambus
Visiontek GeForce 3
Asus P4T mobo
Here are couple of other things not totally related to the wheel thing. I
read somewhere that by setting your monitor's refresh rate as high as it can
go and disabling v-synch you gain FPS. This is very true. I picked up nearly
20 FPS when I did this. :)
Here is my settings:
N4 1024x768x32
World Detail Full
Draw distance 75%, mirror 25%
All graphical options on and/or full
FSAA GeForce Quincunx FSAA (quality of 4X at the performance loss of 2X)
Full field at Talladega start getting solid 44FPS. Once the race starts and
the gets up to 50-55. When not surrounded by cars or in a online race solid
I must say the GeForce 3 Quincunz FSAA looks really amazing. The difference
is huge when it off.
Any comments or suggestion are appreciated.