Ah, one of my favorite topics. It depends on the game.
For Nascar 3 this will work if you configure your pedals
as joystick ID 1 and your joystick as joystick ID 2.
This is done in the Game Controllers/Advanced window.
You have to do it every time because for some reason,
at least with my Logitech WM Extreme Digital 3D, it
always boots up at ID 1 and the CH Pedals come in
on ID 2. So you have to swap them prior to playing N3.
Dirt Track Racing only supports one joystick ID so
this combo can't be used. Whatever joystick is in
ID 2 is ignored. In GPL, IIRC, you have to put your
joystick in 1 and your pedals in 2.
Both my controllers are USB. I have the CH Pro Pedals.
I wish I could play DTR with this setup :-(
www.chproducts.com has been promising a combo driver
which will allow both controllers to appear on a single
joystick ID. Bit they have been promising this for quite
some time.
I wish Logitech would write one since they don't sell
pedals separately, for chrissakes. BTW their "use external
pedals" checkbox doesn't work for me. It is grayed out
when I use USB for both controllers. When I put the
joystick in the game port, it is not grayed out, but
it doesn't detect my pedals when I check it.
But this is all probably some grand marketing strategy
to make sure all your controllers are Logitech, or CH,
or whatever.
I am hoping future games will provide multiple joystick
support by default but we will see.
Doug Appleyard
"Got us a Dirt Track Date! Demolition derby, figure 8!"
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