The last few days I've hosted a bunch of Watkins Glen races. A bunch
of drivers come and a bunch leave sometimes I'll have up to 18 drivers
What happens is this... During early practice everything is fine,
but after a bunch have come and stayed My screen starts to hickup. I'll
be driving down the back strait with everything fine and dandy, But then
for a second my screen stops and then continues. This doesn't happen
just down the back strait, it's more of a random act. Every time it
gets bad I'll get POed and ask "who has the bad frame rate". I
remember reading something about hosting a race and having someone with
a bad frame rate joining with this as a result.
Am I right with that being the reason or could it be that someone
has connected with a slow modem? Or is there something going on that I
should know about?
This only happens while I'm hosting. If I join someone else's race
with many drivers I don't have any problems.
Any ideas?
Mike Barlow
Mike Barlow of Barlow Racing?
MikeBa on the TEN network.
Member of R.O.R. 1999
Racing online with the help of......
Race Communications Association
Holodyne Engineering
Mystic Music
mikeba.vcf < 1K Download |