Not really JS, I support you an your product, maybe I should use my real
screenie here so you want slam me so hard next time. My advice to Papy,
charge the single car in single car accidents, and the first 2 to make
contact otherwise. Don't blame me for driving blind into a smoke filled
corner and hitting the idiots that started it, especially if they are strung
from top to bottom with no opening for me to go through.
I have a great connection and have still gotten charged ICs when I finished
1st and didn't touch a soul. There where a ton of wrecks, none of which I
were a part of, still 1 or 2 IC's. If they are going to base something like
a restriction on this crazy stat, it should at least work first.
I guess, but it means racing a ton of idiots before being allowed into the
'click' with their LPI restricted servers.
I still lurk in there with a 'throw away' screen name just to keep tabs on
possible recruits for my league. And the recruiting that I have done has
shown me a lot about guys with low LPIs NOT being an accurate indicator of
their actual driving skill. I don't think accident avoidence is any more
skill than luck or even fate.
Again, I thought this sim was about racing, not *statting*. And I take back
defending your fictional prose earlier too :(