% I just got a Monster3dII 12 meg card for Christmas. Connected it to my STB
% Velocity 128 AGP. Looks pretty darn good. Although seems a bit hazy or
% greyish in N99. Is there a way to adjust (tweak) settings for this card. I
% already tried the gamma settings in the "properties".
% Also, If I may ask, My computer is not seeing my T2 or Sidewinder 3d pro. I
% don't know exactly when this started happening because I ussually run N99 (and
% previously N2) from DOS and haden't played anything requiring a joystick untill
% last night. Used to be I could unplug the T2, plug in the joystick and no
% problems the computer would see it. I have a Dell266 64meg ram, win98,
% joystick port on SB sound card. Please help or offer suggestions if you can.
% Thanks!
If you are running Windows programs, you need to specify your controller
in the "games controller" applet. Your controller needs to be the
number one selection to be recognized by windows programs.
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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