I have a Monster V2 and now bought STB 4400 TNT 16 Mb to try to have the
best of both worlds. My first problem was the intro videos of Viper and
Nascar99. They played fine with my old Viper330, but when I switched to STB
they seem to have no synchronization. Intro video for GLP works fine in
window mode, so the problem seems to be in full screen mode. I tried to
reinstall Viper and it works fine when I first run it, the suddenly the
synchronization goes to hell again.
Does anyone has this configuration working fine and give me some hints in
order to configure my machine properly for both cards?
P2-450 Mhz
P2B Mobo
128 Mb SDRAM
4.3Gb Maxtor HD
Cassius Figueiredo.