Hi all
I have a SoundBlaster AWE64 Gold, and a Smith's Formula One Steering Wheel
(a South African product, for those who don't know). The wheel and pedals
form a standard 2-axis, 2-button joystick (the buttons map to shifter
buttons on the wheel). For a long time the wheel and pedals have been very
jittery in the Y-direction (i.e. the pedals' axis). When calibrating in
Control Panels' Game Controllers program, the cursor moves up-and-down
incessantly, and sometimes the program claims that the joystick is not
connected (this jitteriness is worst when braking, i.e. in the "negative"
range of the Y-axis). I get the same problem in DOS (using GP2).
The problem would be strange enough if it weren't for the fact that I have
had the wheel replaced once (before performing a more thorough test on the
old one), and the new wheel works perfectly with a friend's computer (with a
SoundBlaster 16). More recently, I have had my AWE 64 swapped out for a new
one, and the problem still persists. Could the wheel be incompatible with
one particular soundcard (the AWE 64) ? Surely not . . .
ANY assistance will be greatly appreciated !