Configure your newsreader properly, then! LOL..... I'm pretty sure its in
the "options" tab under "tools" least it is for Outlook Express. Not
sure what you are using, though.
Configure your newsreader properly, then! LOL..... I'm pretty sure its in
the "options" tab under "tools" least it is for Outlook Express. Not
sure what you are using, though.
This is all kind of silly.....but my eyes were open to alternate settings
for newsgroups....didn't even imagine that people did it this way, though.
I here you about the "elitist" attitude.....been accused of that myself a
few million times in here.
Thanks for the explanation, you were right....I didn't have a clue.
I don't think I was "preaching." All I originally said to Larry was not to
sweat "snipping" my post from his reply. How is that preaching? On the
other hand, your remarks (all of them in this string) are quite acid in
tone.....and add nothing to the conversation including that they are totally
irrelevant to the string topic.
And, by the looks of your are another one of those
Usenet "nazis" we used to throw out of our newsgroups....back in the old
days when we could do that sort of thing quite easily. If your presence in
this string is typical of your posts, you've probably been thrown out of a
few newsgroups yourself, huh?
Enjoy your day, Andrew....and try to get a life somewhere off your would do you wonder.
And how exactly does someone get thrown out of a newsgroup?
I, and others in the thread, are just trying to explain to you why you
need to quote the text you are replying to. You refuse to take the
hint and continue to post moronic messages that have no context.
Help make Usenet a better place: English is read downwards,
please don't top post. Trim messages to quote only relevent text.
Check before asking a question.
Maybe, but I still prefer it over Agent for non-binary groups.
Strange how people can perceive the same program differently. Select a range
of messages and Free Agent automatically combines, decodes and saves any
attachments into a directory I selected when configuring the group. That's
pretty darn easy/usefull in my book. I don't really see how that can be
improved upon, certainly seeing as I only need this ability once or twice
per year.
You're right there...
>> Configure your newsreader properly, then! LOL..... I'm pretty sure
>> its in the "options" tab under "tools" least it is for Outlook
>> Express. Not sure what you are using, though.
> Some of us understand Usenet and know how ***OE is.
>> I think he deserves all he gets. He was the one who started preaching
>> about posting style when he hasn't got a clue himself.
> I was talking about his and Sean's comments towards those of us on
> the other side.
> Eldred
So as to be on topic with this:
What the hell was the topic??
oh, yeah, driving views! hehe :-)
I drive from the***pit without the steering wheel. It looks funny but
have gotten to the point I don't even notice the steering post sticking out
there. I like Tom***pit though I have not dl'd it yet. I also like the
FF feature of my wheel, I do not know about accuracy of feel but I have
played with the settings and time/practice now have my using the same style
I use on the highway. I hold pressure against the forces on the wheel and
that allows me to make small adjustments by the (percieved) movements of the
car. I am learning to interpret the movements I see in the sim with the
movements I feel with my ***in the real car. Of course these are normal
cars on normal highways but driving is driving. Perhaps one day I will sit
in a real race car but until that happens I will not know what I am missing.
It was very hard to get used to***pit view and ff steering but just like
anything else, I got used to it and now it seems to be the only way to go.
using the rearview mirror and sounds I am able to *know* where the other
cars are around me and drive accordingly.
My vote: ***pit and FF
Of course, I am not a great driver either :)
: ) Drivers are cheap these days (I have 80 Gb). It is that it is
easier when I don't have to scroll through message headers. And it isn't
always easy to connect the links between them. And I would need to open both
of them (original and answer). I have opened messages, and a preview pane
bellow them. When I have only unread messages shown it is easy for me to
simply pick one of them (because there is not much of them to choose), and
read it in preview pane. If I do it your way I would need a lot of scrolling
in messages pane, if there are a lot of messages there I would have hard
time to connect links, then I would need to click firstly on the original,
and then finally on answer. And I do have a 21" monitor, and still it is a
lot of work. But, as I said, do however you like. I'll cope with it, : ).
-- Mario