Where are the most F1RS racer located in "Kali"?
Where are the most F1RS racer located in "Kali"?
Hi, here 2 useful aids in Kali, you type them where you write your
/kali tell you, who's playing and which game, must be connected
to a server
/process f1voo this command + the name of the executable, when
connected to a server will tell you, who's playing F1RS 3DFX, anywhere
in all Kali servers, just disconnected from the server you are, and goto
the one you just find, that all.
Most F1RS racers, race at Where to race server #56, i found some
japanese playing at Plala kali serv #761.
Hope this info will help you
Bye Coco
> Thanks.
> Gostal