Well, darn it, I keep meaning to work up a proper review of F1RS and put
it on my Web site, but somehow I just can't seem to pull myself away
from racing on F1RS for long enough to get it done.
Meanwhile, I've been racing against other F1RS fans via Kali's Where to
Race server, and it rocks! Today I got into a bunch of three-way races
with a fellow from Germany and another from Boston, and I even won one
race when the very quick German went off and incurred a penalty. What a
In the hopes of enticing some more of you to join us in this great fun,
I've put up a guide to racing F1RS online on my web site, at:
Go to the Reviews page, and follow the link to the F1RS online racing
Tips page. There are also some tips on how to set up F1RS so it works
more efficiently when you're getting ready to race.
Also, if anyone's still interested, I've revised my review of Microsoft
CPR since trying out the patch, and for balance, I've added a dissenting
viewpoint from a knowledgeable sim racer who likes CPR.
Eagle Woman
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