A message to Nick Jensen's On-Line F1RS racing:
My feeling concerning this issue, though not a popular one, is that
the use of driver aids is intended for lamers.
I have two 12-year old nephews who insisted on playing Quake with "god
mode" turned on (complete invulnerability). I asked them what the
point of even playing the game was, since no challenge existed.
They had no answer. I explained to them that they should play the
game with all help modes turned off so that they could use their wits
to defeat the game. Solve problems, I told them, look for ways, i
said, to get around the obstacles presented. You will fail often, but
from the failures you learn. What you learn you use to conquer more
complex problems which lie ahead.
The point is....well, the point is the same with F1RS. When I first
installed the sim, aids were turned on by default, as I recall. It
was very, very easy to get around the circuits in good time.
No fun. Not for me, anyway.
So I turned them off. The wheels locked up upon braking. The rear
end slid out from under me. Couldn't get off the starting line without
smoking half the *** off the tires.
Then I thought, "Now i got somethin' to work on!"
Anyway, that's the way I feel. I can tell from some of the times
posted around the net, and from chatting on Kali, that we have a very
large crowd of F1RS lamers out there. Too bad. Well, I'll continue to
drive the sim without aids, tweaking the heck out of setups, and maybe
eventually reach a point where I can compete with those help-using
deadbeats. Just wish there was a way to race, guaranteed, on-line with
some real racers (no aids).
In the meantime, keep up the good work on your excellent on-line page,
Ben Sides
I was planning to sign up for Melbourne, but if driver aids are
allowed, i respectfully decline :)