>>> It says it on the box, but not on the wheel. All it says is
>>> Racing.
>> It says Force on the label on the bottom but it doesn't have
>> because Logitech doesn't make a non FF 'MOMO Racing' wheel.
>> sure lwemon.exe is running using Task Manager and make sure FF
>> is turned on in the Profiler; check Edit>'Specific Game
>> Settings...' and Options.
>> Do both lights on the front of the wheel turn green when a
>> is loaded?
>Also run dxdiag.exe (in System32 folder) and check that the
>WmJoyFrc.dll driver is installed. You could also try another USB
>> brrrr
>>> I can't get Force Feedback to work in either NR2003 (the
>option is
>>> grayed out) or NSR!! I have tried Larry's and Smokin' Bob's
>>> suggestions but it doesn't make a difference. Still no
Did it all and *all the wheel does is jiggle* during the game. I feel
nothing when I hit a wall and hardly anything on the grass.
This stinks compared to NR2003 + MS SW FF wheel in Win98 (when I had
those working).
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