I am going to be a new video card. What kind of card would give the best
results with GP2. I was thinking about the Diamond Stealth 3D 2000XL.
Thanks for all repliesin advance.
I am going to be a new video card. What kind of card would give the best
results with GP2. I was thinking about the Diamond Stealth 3D 2000XL.
Thanks for all repliesin advance.
Don't spend extra money on a 3D card just for GP2. GP2 does not take
advantage of any of the 3d hardware available for PC's, nor does it use
any of the 3D API's in Win95. I'd suggest buying a card that has good
DOS / SVGA/ VESA performance. And some of the 3D cards have lackluster
DOS performance. It seems that most of the higher end S3-based and
matrox cards work well with DOS, as well as Windows.
Regardless, GP2 as it is written now, needs lots of CPU horsepower.
Don't worry so much about your video card as your CPU, if you really want
to upgrade GP2's performance.
Robin Chung F2's name is Gillian
Senior Performance Architect, MTI-V F-1 Vehicle Dynamicist
AMA#699255 HRC#HM402849 FAX:(510) 642 4769
"I love you. ... Bye..." Susan to Mark on e.r.
Don't take a dedicated 3D-card just to get better performance in GP2: GP2
doesn't make use of the 3D-accelleration.
When everything else failed, we can still become im-
mortal by making an enormous blunder....
John Kenneth Galbraith
The best card for GP2 ? Yeah very good question.
As far as GP2 version is now, there's is only 1 rule :
it doesn't matter what kind or card. This means
the best card is the card with the fastest RAM onboard.
So go for : multibank Ram, or WRam, SG Ram.
Vram is slower
EDO Ram is also slower (although I am not sure about this)
I am told that Microprose is working on a patch for Rendition chipset
video card but how long this will take ---> ??????
But this means that there's "only" a difference of about 20 % in
framerate speed between the slowest Ram and the fastest.
I tested this with my Pentium 200 with slow Diamond Stealth 64
1 Mb Dram card (framerate was 19.6) and Matrox Mystique 2 Mb SG Ram
(framerate 23.2).
I am now waiting for the Matrox Millenium video card with 2 Mb Wram.
Marc Biesmans, Essen, Belgium
I hear the matrox millenia with 4 meg wram works well.