and not taken to *individuals* and power-blocs rather than to states. That
way this thread would look a lot less like a "my country=good guy, your
country=bad guy" slog. After all, I hardly think either the U.S. or the
U.K. would fair too well if we look at "their" behavior on the world stage
over the last two centuries.
If you're going to start invoking History and Truth, then provide better
Cheers to you both.
> >When his 'opinion' denigrates the memory of several members of my
> >family that died to help prevent HIS country from falling under
> >Nazi-ism, nah I will respond any way I please.
> When several members of MY family die while waiting for America to
> stop making money from Nazi-ism and actually start fighting it then
> it's hardly surprising. No-one "denigrated" your family members - you
> need to learn to differentiate between collective generalisation and
> individual personal critique.
> FYI your country did nothing to stop my country falling under Nazi-ism
> other than sell and profit from those war materials which would be
> sold anyway. The U.K.'s deepest and darkest hour was in 1939/1940 -
> two years prior to the U.S. waking up when prodded by the Japanese.
> If you choose to ignore those facts which history lays in front of you
> don't start blaming your tantrums on me.
> Cheers!
> John
> PS - Is it just me or is this WAY off-topic from the original
> off-topic discussion.
> PPS - "*** you" and "Plonk" really don't come across too well other
> than as a "throwing your toys out of your pram" type response.