I have had a problem with this for some time...
I have a modem that will provide data and voice transmission
simultaneously. I run N2 through DOS to avoid many of the problems
associated with running through WIN95. My modem software that came with
the computer on runs through WIN95. I talked with the company that I
bought the computer from and I guess they didn't understand what I
wanted to do and sent me more software that...you guessed it...only runs
the modem through WIN95. So, my questions are these:
1) For those who use a microphone with your N2 game and run in DOS, can
you please tell me what software you use to run the modem in DOS?
2) And, since I've never tried this before, how do you get the
microphone working in DOS while running the N2 game?
I apologize for such stupid questions, but I really don't know what to
do. I need elementary, basic answers with step-by-step instructions as
to what to do. Once I find out what software you're using, I'll ask for
it by name and then I'll go from there. Any help would be appreciated.
My microphone has gone unused too long.
Thank you in advance.