Firstly I dont think I'm that fast :)
What brake bias setting do you use? I find that if I use brake bias of
about 57 -58 %, I'd often lock the front wheels going into the corners but
since lowering to 52 - 54 % I can brake much later. The downside to this is
that it's very easy to lock up a rear in the corner if you dont finish
braking in a straight line.
Are you using split axis on your controller? If so, using a lower brake bias
is easier than with a combined axis because when the rear's do begin to
lock,a bit of gas can help to steady things up while still on the brakes and
without upsetting the balance too much. The most important thing is to be
smooth and not lock the wheels up.
As for R Prydden, I think he's just a mental driver :-). I've known him for
years, and before GPL we were very closely matched on all games / sims.
Times within half a second over race distances usually. Now in GPL he is
about a second a lap faster than me on all tracks except Mosport,Zandvoort
and the Nurburgring.
BTW he uses a GP1 wheel, I use a MS FF. Maybe the speed he can get on the
gas / brakes is faster with the GP1 :)
Ian Parker
ICQ 21772592
> Firstly I dont think I'm that fast :)
> What brake bias setting do you use? I find that if I use brake bias of
> about 57 -58 %, I'd often lock the front wheels going into the corners but
> since lowering to 52 - 54 % I can brake much later. The downside to this is
> that it's very easy to lock up a rear in the corner if you dont finish
> braking in a straight line.
> Are you using split axis on your controller? If so, using a lower brake bias
> is easier than with a combined axis because when the rear's do begin to
> lock,a bit of gas can help to steady things up while still on the brakes and
> without upsetting the balance too much. The most important thing is to be
> smooth and not lock the wheels up.
> As for R Prydden, I think he's just a mental driver :-). I've known him for
> years, and before GPL we were very closely matched on all games / sims.
> Times within half a second over race distances usually. Now in GPL he is
> about a second a lap faster than me on all tracks except Mosport,Zandvoort
> and the Nurburgring.
> BTW he uses a GP1 wheel, I use a MS FF. Maybe the speed he can get on the
> gas / brakes is faster with the GP1 :)
> --
> Ian Parker
> ICQ 21772592
> >I'm finding trail braking very hard, but think that I will need to
> >master it to get much faster. I've watched some of the faster guys like
> >Ian Parker and Rick Prydden in practice sessions and they seem to brake
> >very much later than I do. If I try to brake when they do, I just
> >overshoot the corner. Any tips, please?
> >Cheers,
> >Paul
But I may be completely wrong :o)
Tadej Krevh
Lotus Internet Racing organization
> Thanks Ian - I'll try these tips. I've just installed independant
In addition to Ian's words, a Jim Clark tip:
"Some people brake so late, in fact too late, so they brake too's better to brake eariler and less, helps to keep the speed
Easy-peasy :-D
Matthew Knutsen
"The Art of Legends" - GPL add-ons
>But I may be completely wrong :o)
>Tadej Krevh
>Lotus Internet Racing organization
DC apparently found a good bit of speed from following this advice.
>"Some people brake so late, in fact too late, so they brake too
>'s better to brake eariler and less, helps to keep the speed
>Easy-peasy :-D
>Matthew Knutsen
>"The Art of Legends" - GPL add-ons
% In addition to Ian's words, a Jim Clark tip:
% "Some people brake so late, in fact too late, so they brake too
%'s better to brake eariler and less, helps to keep the speed
% up.."
This is all too true. I have done my share of VROC racing and the one
place I see this happening all the time is at Monza going into the first
Lesmo. This and the Parabolica are the 2 places people seem to want to
try late/heavy braking. I like to take these nice and easy. Most
people who barrel into the 1st Lesmo, end up losing too much speed
getting through the turn and slip too far to the outside early. It's a
piece of cake to let them barrel in and slip by nice and easy on the
inside and beat them to the 2nd Lesmo. The same holds true for the
Parabolica. Anytime I see anyone flying in my mirrors to this corner, I
just brake slow and easy, letting them fly by and then pass them on the
inside, while they fight to keep their car on the track.
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=<[ /./. [- < ]>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- Michael
> - Michael
Every time I brake early, someone runs into the back of me 2 seconds
later... sigh...
Ian Parker
ICQ 21772592
>> Thanks Ian - I'll try these tips. I've just installed independant
>In addition to Ian's words, a Jim Clark tip:
>"Some people brake so late, in fact too late, so they brake too
>'s better to brake eariler and less, helps to keep the speed
>Easy-peasy :-D
>Matthew Knutsen
>"The Art of Legends" - GPL add-ons
% >
% >This is all too true. I have done my share of VROC racing and the one
% >place I see this happening all the time is at Monza going into the first
% >Lesmo. This and the Parabolica are the 2 places people seem to want to
% >try late/heavy braking. I like to take these nice and easy. Most
% >people who barrel into the 1st Lesmo, end up losing too much speed
% Every time I brake early, someone runs into the back of me 2 seconds
% later... sigh...
Move off line. If they are truly faster, they won't be around long for
you to worry about. If they aren't, chances are they will blow the turn
and you shouldn't see them again, once you get by. ;-)
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=<[ /./. [- < ]>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
For us ordinary mortals it's a bit different!
- Michael