GPL help!


GPL help!

by Michel » Mon, 25 Oct 1999 04:00:00

Hi,  have just changed my voodoo1 with a voodoo2 and after changed the
drivers and installed the file glide2x.dll in gpl path the muose freeze and
i have to reboot the pc. with voodoo1 all this didn't happen, i am
desperately because i changed my voodoo card to play gpl more fast and
so..........................what can i do?

GPL help!

by Mtb70 » Mon, 25 Oct 1999 04:00:00

You must run the 2.53 drivers for a v2 in the GPL directory. You can use more
current drivers for everything else.

GPL help!

by P.Iva » Mon, 25 Oct 1999 04:00:00

Put the "Glide2x.Dll v2.53" in your GPL directory


Mark Aisthorp

GPL help!

by Mark Aisthorp » Wed, 27 Oct 1999 04:00:00

Sorry to moan at everyone, but I keep seeing this
piece of advise being given out hear all the time.
Well yes it douse work but its out of date info.
anyone using a voodoo 2 with the 2.54 drivers
just needs to update to the 2.56 drivers,
they work perfect with GPL and AFAIK with
every other game as well.
You can D/L them at

London UK
Yamaha TRX850

> Put the "Glide2x.Dll v2.53" in your GPL directory

> P.Ivar

> > Hi,  have just changed my voodoo1 with a voodoo2 and after changed the
> > drivers and installed the file glide2x.dll in gpl path the muose freeze
> and
> > i have to reboot the pc. with voodoo1 all this didn't happen, i am
> > desperately because i changed my voodoo card to play gpl more fast and
> > so..........................what can i do?

Ron Ayto

GPL help!

by Ron Ayto » Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00

I have found that for my system, the 2.53 drivers are a lot more stable
for GPL than the 2.56 drivers are..
Granted, they both work in GPL, but i get regular lock-ups with the
2.56 drivers, but never a lock-up at all, with the 2.53 drivers.
So i guess any advice about which drivers are better for your system,
can be boiled down to try it and see...
I for one, will be sticking to the 2.53 drivers in GPL.

> Sorry to moan at everyone, but I keep seeing this
> piece of advise being given out hear all the time.
> Well yes it douse work but its out of date info.
> anyone using a voodoo 2 with the 2.54 drivers
> just needs to update to the 2.56 drivers,
> they work perfect with GPL and AFAIK with
> every other game as well.
> You can D/L them at

> --
> Mark
> London UK
> Yamaha TRX850

> > Put the "Glide2x.Dll v2.53" in your GPL directory
> >

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