MirrorsEvery=n (n=1, , 10) without cuccessfully removing the mirror flicker.
Best choise seems to be n=2 for me, only thing is thet this setting pants
just the bottom half of the mirror. n=1 is epeleptic... n higher than 2
draws out 3 or more "bands" of rear view with a gap between. Is there any
other setting that i should try changing???
I have also tried tweaking TossHighestMip and MipFiltering settings to no
Disregarding the rear view problems the framerate is great, a solid 24-36
fps in 1600x1200 res. with 19 cars on the grid and evrything set to max....
Love the sense of speed I get now, opposed to when I was running in 800x600
Anders Nilsson