wingman problem


wingman problem

by kwijibo » Wed, 30 Apr 2003 22:26:51

Hi all,

I've got a question to you guys. I've got a logitech wingman formula
GP steering wheel and pedal at home (the one black and yellow with no
feedback). I've broken the connector that goes from the pedal to the
steering wheel (a modular plug 4P4C just like the one in phone
handset.) Now I need the repair the connector but I need to know which
color goes where.

I have three wire, green, red and white. First I need someone to
confirm me that there is only three wire. Then can someone tell me the
color order the wire. Please...



Jeff Hail

wingman problem

by Jeff Hail » Thu, 01 May 2003 03:42:09

Looking from the top (release tab on the bottom) Pin 1- no connection, Pin 2 -
green, Pin 3 - white
Good Luck,

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