Wingman Formaula Force wheel and GPL Problems


Wingman Formaula Force wheel and GPL Problems

by bdasi.. » Tue, 30 May 2000 04:00:00

Game runs great But there is no force feedback.    core.ini really is
core.ini , Force feedback is set to 1 , ff is enabled in the game
profile.... asus p2b-f,128 meg, Banchee video , usb works great,
wheel works in proprities/test... What  to do now????
Liutger Franze

Wingman Formaula Force wheel and GPL Problems

by Liutger Franze » Tue, 30 May 2000 04:00:00

no misspelling? please post your core.ini!


Rabi Ghastly, Es

Wingman Formaula Force wheel and GPL Problems

by Rabi Ghastly, Es » Wed, 31 May 2000 04:00:00

Hey L

Here is the relevant section you need in your core.ini.

Works fine with my Logitech Formula Force. Been using it for 1 year.

I'd also advise you to have GPL 1.2 patch installed.

[ Joy ]
allow_force_feedback = 1                 ; Use FF if device has it
force_feedback_damping = 40.000000       ; force feedback damping
force_feedback_latency = 0.000000        ; force feedback latency (secs)
max_steering_torque = 225.000000         ; steering torque in N*in giving
max device force


>> Game runs great But there is no force feedback.    core.ini really is
>> core.ini , Force feedback is set to 1 , ff is enabled in the game
>> profile.... asus p2b-f,128 meg, Banchee video , usb works great,
>> wheel works in proprities/test... What  to do now????

>no misspelling? please post your core.ini!



Wingman Formaula Force wheel and GPL Problems

by J » Tue, 06 Jun 2000 04:00:00

Did you switch FF on in the profiler?


>Game runs great But there is no force feedback.    core.ini really is
>core.ini , Force feedback is set to 1 , ff is enabled in the game
>profile.... asus p2b-f,128 meg, Banchee video , usb works great,
>wheel works in proprities/test... What  to do now????


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