Another comment from the flight sim newsgroup has mentioned
that Gunship is being "toned down" from a serious sim.
Hopefully that won't be the case for GP3 but you never know.
Especially when you hear about ports to consoles.
> Frankly I don't know. MPS/Hasbro has stated that they are out of the
> simulation market. I am not sure if it is flightsims or sims in general
> which would effect GP3.
> --
> Header address intentionally scrambled to ward off the spamming hordes.
> cisko [AT] ix [DOT] netcom [DOT] com
> > At the begining of the month didn't Hasbro announce they would be
> > porting GP3 to consoles as well. Surely they haven't changed their
> > minds on that within 2 weeks ??? (desperate praying going on here !!!).
> > Please someone reassure us either way !
> > Regards
> > Andrew
> > > WOW... I cant believe it. Thats just horrible.
> > > >As many of you may know, Falcon 4 is made by the same company
> > > >which makes GrandPrix3 (Microprose). The entire F4 team along with
> > > >the main MPS QA and I think much of the tech support staff were let
> > > >Falcon4 and all of it's addons are canceled and no more patches are
> > > >going to be released.
> > > >Does anyone know if GP3 survived?
> > > >--
> > > >Header address intentionally scrambled to ward off the spamming
> > > >cisko [AT] ix [DOT] netcom [DOT] com
> > --
> > Andrew Carroll
> > Kodak Limited
> > Hemel Hempstead, UK
> > ---------------------
> > Any views expressed above are entirely my own, and should not be taken
> > to be the views of Kodak Limited or Eastman Kodak Company.