I have a couple questions (observations) about NL:
How do you "loosen" these cars up? And have they ever put out a sim with
default setups that didn't push like a Taurus renal car? =-)
OK the game has been out for what 48 hours.....where are the sound
packs??? Those BIG big blocks just don't sound right (the sound is a little
too "refined" maybe?)
As far as Riverside goes, I've lived within about 10 miles of there for
most of the last 30 years, heck I can almost see it from here (Damn Mall)
The drivers do seem overly aggressive thru the esses and turn6, but that
should be fix-able and at least for me doesn't ruin the thrill of rubbin'
fenders with the King and the Silver Fox at my favorite track.
mike miller