Nascar Legends Misc. Stuff

m mille

Nascar Legends Misc. Stuff

by m mille » Mon, 01 Nov 1999 03:00:00

Hi All

I have a couple questions (observations) about NL:
    How do you "loosen" these cars up? And have they ever put out a sim with
default setups that didn't push like a Taurus renal car? =-)
    OK the game has been out for what 48 hours.....where are the sound
packs??? Those BIG big blocks just don't sound right (the sound is a little
too "refined" maybe?)
    As far as Riverside goes, I've lived within about 10 miles of there for
most of the last 30 years, heck I can almost see it from here (Damn Mall)
The drivers do seem overly aggressive thru the esses and turn6, but that
should be fix-able and at least for me doesn't ruin the thrill of rubbin'
fenders with the King and the Silver Fox at my favorite track.

mike miller


Nascar Legends Misc. Stuff

by Stif » Tue, 02 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Overly aggressive! Hell the just cut across the track! I thought it was just
Let me know if you get the fix

>Hi All

>I have a couple questions (observations) about NL:
>    How do you "loosen" these cars up? And have they ever put out a sim
>default setups that didn't push like a Taurus renal car? =-)
>    OK the game has been out for what 48 hours.....where are the sound
>packs??? Those BIG big blocks just don't sound right (the sound is a little
>too "refined" maybe?)
>    As far as Riverside goes, I've lived within about 10 miles of there for
>most of the last 30 years, heck I can almost see it from here (Damn Mall)
>The drivers do seem overly aggressive thru the esses and turn6, but that
>should be fix-able and at least for me doesn't ruin the thrill of rubbin'
>fenders with the King and the Silver Fox at my favorite track.

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