Hi again, Uwe
I can't guarantee it will work with W2K, but all I needed to do once I got
the wheel recognised in control panel was to add/enable the following in
[ Joy ]
allow_force_feedback = 1 ; Use FF if device has it
force_feedback_latency = 0.085000 ; force feedback latency (secs) (MSFF)
force_feedback_damping = 40.000000 ; force feedback damping coefficient
max_steering_torque = 225.000000 ; steering torque in N*in giving max
device force
P.S. I had W2K before WinXP Pro and wasn't able to get it working with it,
but this was over 2 years ago (maybe before DX8). But then, I was unable to
get the wheel working at all - if you have it works without FF, then I
suspect you should be able to get FF working too.
- Peter Ogden
Perth, Western Australia
> >> If it's a gameport wheel, I think it's a no go on W2k and XP.
> > Not necessarily, I use a MS Sidewinder FF on XP Pro very successfully.
> > to this working is definitely do NOT install the profile software.
> I would guess the mechanisms of getting ff to work on the
> *gameport* version would be quite similar under Win2k... care
> to outline for us what you did in order to get it working with
> FF?
> TIA,
> Uwe
> --
> mail replies to Uwe at schuerkamp dot de ( yahoo address is spambox)
> Uwe Schuerkamp //////////////////////////// http://www.schuerkamp.de/
> Herford, Germany \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (52.0N/8.5E)
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