96 meg ram
and v 1 card.
wants to improve his frame rate.
any suggestions on which video card to get? he is not ready from a MB+processer
change yet.
he seems to be leaning TNT or V2
> >< Jay Wolfe's silly stuff about banning cars and tornados deleted >
> >Come on, Jay. My original post was about the semi-automatic TEC-9 pistol -
> a
> >gun that serves absolutely no purpose other than to quickly kill as many
> people
> >as possible. It isn't used for hunting. It is too inaccurate to use for
> target
> >shooting. If you used it for self defense, you would probably kill your
> entire
> >family as "collateral damage", as our friends at the Pentagon like to say.
> It
> >was manufactured by a shameless company who targeted the criminal element
> as
> >potential customers with advertising information such as its resistance to
> >finger prints.
> >Are you really unable to see why some people like me would want these
> things
> >banned?
> heck, no, i can see why. i'm not blind (although i attempt to be, at a near
> graeme nash rate!). my point, along with dang near every other pro-gun
> person, is:
> where do you draw the line?
> it is clearly the wish of the anti-gun crowd to eventually ban all guns.
> first these guns, then all handguns, then laser scopes, then infared sights,
> then rifles, etc. i still maintain that the bad guys will have access to
> these guns anyway, so why allow only them to carry them? if the general
> public can be outgunned by the horrible few, they WILL take advantage of
> this. contrary to popular belief, the average gun-toter is not a flaming
> maniac. i have been around guns all of my life. i was taught at a very early
> age the repurcusions and danger of handling a weapon. same goes with cars,
> for that matter. my father was on the navy pistol team. i went to driving
> ranges while growing up and was allowed to shoot his military-pack .45s from
> about age 8 onwards. my brother and i where given .22s and bb guns for our
> own. we were allowed to decide for ourselves the issue of hunting. my father
> never did it, and other than a couple of exploratory lizards, neither have
> i. i am glad that i know how to shoot a gun properly, even though i don't
> currently own one. if my girlfriend is attacked, the bad guy had better be
> ready to eat a 9mm slug. will this add to the 5-6 per 100,000 *** rate?
> yes. good. one less person out there who thinks that it is okay to attack
> people. she's a pretty good shot, too. on her first target with her new
> pistol, she put 7 out of 10 in the "10" ring.
> look, if you don't want to own a gun, then don't. but don't tell me that i
> can't. fancy semi-automatic pistol or not. your point about banning certains
> guns is completely moot since it will only ban them from the good guys.
> j
> p.s. - if you come over to my house for a BBQ, i promise not to shoot you,
> okay? ; -)