>Second point. I've DLed some hotlaps of Monza with times in the
>vicinity of 1:21.x. How the hell do you guys do it? It seems that
>you can stick the car on a rail and drive it impossibly fast around
>the turns. Is this a result of any of the driving aids? I can't seem
>to get below 1:28.x with none of the aids on. Finding out about ride
>height really helped out here.
replay because the car turns like you say, as if it is on rails, not the
gradual way unaided steering replays do.
I am still working on my Monza times, my best so far is a 1m24:200
with only the dotted driving line enabled, still working on a good line
without that one help. A real driver should be able to do hotlaps with no
>find it virtually impossible to take the tight bends of some courses
>at speed with only one hand on the wheel and the other on the shifter.
>GP2 is good, but not good enough to warrant an ECCI.
in an hour or two and about $10 worth of parts from Radio Shack.
Check http://www.racesimcentral.net/~wottenad/wheel.htm for great instructions on how
to do this.
John (Joao) Silva
Seattle, Washington USA.