>> I will buy it, and it sounds great.. but I think that the 20 second limit
>> on replays is simply MORONIC!
>> What is up with that? Saveable race replays of significant length is WAY
>> MORE IMPORTANT that some of the other features I have heard mentioned.
>> What good is cool crashes, flying cars, etc. if you can't replay it and
>> save it.
>What about the 20 second limit ? It's only for the instant replay !!
>If you have 32 MB RAM you'd be able to save any hot lap you did after
>completing a race (even during a race if you want to), so go ahead and
>save the whole race and watch all the spectacular crashes from all
>different angles !!
How do you do that??? The idea behind "hot laps" is to be able to
save LAP data - in other words, you have to completely FINISH the lap
before you can save it.
If I crash and total the car, you can't save the (hot) lap.
I can turn on invicibility & smash up a few other cars and save after
I cross the finish line, but that's not the same... :)
One way you could save a hot lap in which your car is completely
wrecked would be (I presume) to actually CRASH your car right before
the finish line and have your remains all tumble across the line. :)
Don't leave it too late though, because if most of the crash is after
the finish line, you won't see it at all. Anyone try this?
Another annoyance: You can't save the 1st lap! (Since you start in
front of the finish line). The starts contain some of the most
spectacular crashes (at least for me) :).
20 seconds is pretty useless - I want to share my crashes/near escapes
with others. It's also very distracting to be driving along and
then play a replay for 20 seconds, then continue driving.
Give us a menu driven SAVE REPLAY feature like in Nascar/ICR !