> : Does anyone know if GP2 will have the same replay
> : capabilities, ie the length of the replay is proportional
> : to the amount of free memory after the sim has loaded,
> : as ICR and NASCAR?
> Yes, it is supposed to. At least a replay for 1 lap.
That is VERY lame stuff.
ICR is almost three years old and Crammond & Co. cannot
come up with more than 1 lap replay? The long replay
format provided by Papyrus in ICR/NASCAR is an immense
addition to the sims.
Can you save one lap you certainly can save n laps.
When you run out of memory the buffer(pointer) will wrap and
when the recording stops the very position after where the
replay ended is the start of the replay.
Relatively easy if the game engine is flexible.
I will be very disappointed if GP2 has only a 1 lap replay
ability. What a waste.
Let's hope...
--- Terje Wold Johansen
--- http://www.ifi.uio.no/~terjjo/
--- "I am your inferior superior." O.W.