Noticed something odd yesterday. I uplled off a particularly dodgy
overtaking manouvre, but went into a huge amount of tail-twitching
over the kerbs.
Somehow I held it. Well pleased, I switched to replay mode to see my
masterful(!) driving in action, and found that in the replay I'd gone
into a spin! Never did that on the track, but as soon as I came out of
pause mode, I found that suddenly I was in a totally different
location and that yes, I -had- gone into a spin.
This is definitely not appreciated. How can replay possible affect the
position on the track? Annoying.
I don't want to carp too much, since I'm well pleased with this sim.
However, I'd like to know if anyone else has had their position
affected by going to replay, since it will affect my decision as to
whether it gets used during a race.