original skill values of AI cars? Usually the car that takes the lead
starts to lap one or even two seconds quicker laps than the rest of the
field. Also the back of the field drives incredibly slowly. The same
problems are with Earl Ma's drivers2.txt, too
I have tested the effect of the skill values a lot and noticed that
traction has the strongest effect on the racing speed of the AI cars.
So if you want your opponents to drive closer to each other without
20-30 second gaps, it's good to set higher minimum tractions for the
top drivers (about 450 instead of 375/400). Traction values lower than
250 make the driver too slow, I think that's the minimum for the back
of the field.
The drag-value is strange. The bigger the numbers the slower the
opponent is in qualifying. But in the race itself a high drag value
makes the driver faster. Thats why Hiro and the other slow driver can
have so good oval races.
Change the values and test! I have gad a lot of more realistic races
and results this way.